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After a summer full of adventure, fighting villains, and an epic race to saw the universe.

Ben Tennyson, an average 10-year-old, well eleven year old now, had never expected this to happen. Only half an hour ago one of his worst enemies Malware, a mutated Galvanic Mechamorph, had ripped his favorite transformation out of the Omnitrix.

Heart broken from losing his favorite transformation Ben had plunged the Omnitrix into the monster's body and blew him up. Only it had an interesting after effect, after blowing the bad guy up Ben had gotten sucked into a vortex and sent to some sort of void.

And it was different from the Null Void, this one was pitch black. Nothing to see in there, when all hope for him getting home was lost a light shone brightly.

And after getting so close to the light Ben was knocked unconscious.

'Ow... what happened?' He asked himself trying to remember, 'I... I remember getting... sucked into a vortex... after blowing Malware up... Wait, where am I? And who is that talking?'

Opening his eyes he saw... a store, and he was floating in mid air. Not only that but everything seems like it was frozen "Hey... was going on?!" He asked confused and a little freaked. "Oh good you're awake" a voice said, looking to his right he saw three teenage girls, one boy and one older teen male.

"For a second I thought we were going to have to use multiple crude methods to wake you up" the first teen asked. She had long red hair with brown tips, and miss-colored eyes, left was brown and right was green. "Whoa who are you guys?" Ben asked confused, "my name is Ezra, Ezra Titania Verdona Tennyson" she introduced.

"I am the leader and founder of the Council of Infinite Tens" Ezra said, the young Tennyson was even more confused. "Your... your last name is Tennyson? Like me!" He exclaimed "yes, you see our society is composed of the offspring of different alternate Ben Tennyson's" the leader explained. "Offspring?! That means your... my..." "not your kids specifically but of other Ben's" the next teen said. She had light blue hair with a brown streak in it, also having miss-colored eyes along with bladed gauntlets and heavy metal boots. Along with a dragon like tail, wings and wing like crests on her head.

"Greetings, my name is Kali Leviathan Tennyson, I'm the one who's frozen time right now" she explained. Ben looked in awe "wow that is so cool" he said, "yes so I've heard about a hundred times" the dragon daughter replied.

"Well can you tell me why I'm here?" Ben asked, the male teenager spoke first "Ben you remember blowing up Malware?" He asked. The young man had reddish brown hair and an Omnitrix on his wrist like a classic Ben Tennyson. On response Ben nodded "well that explosion had an unintended consequence. It made a second you, which is you, and sent you to this universe" he said.

Our Ben's eyes widened "so I'm not even the real me?!" He asked shocked "oh you are. Just your another one" the third girl said, she looked like Ezra only she had brown hair with red tips. "Names Kelly Elena Scarlet Tennyson. And in a few moments you'll be an even better Ben" she said before taking out some tools and putting on some goggles.

"Why?" The young Ben asked cautiously "Well, because big sister Kelly is going to make enhancements to your Omnitrix" the young boy said. He looked around twelve years old, had bright green curly hair and wore a black cloak with black shorts.

"And you are?" "Emerald Tornado Tennyson" he answered, "So what kind of enhancements are we talking here?" Ben asked. "Well I'm fixing the glitch in the Omnitrix, where if you slap down the dial it gives you a random transformation" Kelly answered while tuning up the device. "That explains a lot" "and also adding in master control" that made Ben perk up.

"Okay liking it more" he added, "and a few extra aliens and applications, transmutation function which allows you to gain the features of your Aliens in human form" she added. "And adoptability which gives your your alien's powers without transforming. Although it's weaker than the transmutation function" Kelly informed.

"Got it, anything else I should know?" Ben asked "I also want to ask. If I remember correctly before this you lost an alien named Feedback rig..." the red haired boy was cut off by Ben. "DON'T REMIND ME!!!" He yelled, "he really was snappy about that" Kali muttered.

"Ben you do realize why you lost Feedback right?" Ezra asked, "I said don't remind me!" Ben yelled again before the red haired male shook him and covered his mouth. "Ben listen!" He asserted, "you know you lost Feedback, can you tell me why?" He asked. Ben wanted to turn away, to tell them off, but they wouldn't relent so he just answered "it's all Malware's fault he ripped him out of the Omnitrix" he said begrudgingly.

"Not only that, what else?" Kelly asked as she stopped working, "it's just that!! Just leave it alone!" Ben shouted, "Ben I can and will shut down your Omnitrix if you don't answer honestly" Ezra said. The Tennyson didn't know what to say, he didn't even know what they were talking about, or at least he didn't want to say it.

After gaining enough glares Ben had collapsed in defeat, he knew exactly what they were trying to get out of him. They wanted to make him see why he lost his favorite alien, "It... it... it wasn't only Malware... it was because of me" he admitted. "For so long recently, I've used Feedback for almost everything. I don't know why, but for some reason he felt different than any other alien that I turned into. As his species, I felt... so confident, so empowered like nothing could bring me down" he explained.

Then sighed "my grandpa, my cousin, even the creator had tried to get me to see what I had been doing wrong. But I was too stubborn to listen" he finally admitted his mistake. "How does it feel to finally let it out?" The young man asked his father's alternate self, "Let what out? The face that I know when I'm too stubborn, too ignorant or childish to listen too anyone?" He asked.

"To admit your mistake" Ezra said, the boy looked to the most mature girl, "Ben I can tell you were heart broken after loosing Feedback. I've had his power before and can understand what you felt as him. But I know that if I stay addicted to that form I'd loose my skill in using my other powers" she said kneeling to his eye level.

"Someday you'll get him back Ben, but for now you should learn from this mistake. And improve yourself, grow into the hero you were born to be" she said. The boy just turned and sighed "Ben, the first step to growing up, is to admit your mistakes and learn from them. You've done it already and I know you can do it again" she said.

Then had kissed his cheek making Ben blush, "so don't worry daddy" she teased. Kelly then stood up "okay enhancements are all installed. Glitch is fixed, no more random transformations. You're good to go" she said, "thanks.. so where am I anyway?" Ben asked, "another universe that regularly gets into trouble. Remember the explosion sent you into another universe" Kali reminded.

"Oh yeah, so what can I do here?" He asked once more, "what you've been doing since you got the Omnitrix. Be the hero you were meant to be" the Emerald said, "right. Thank you all" Ben said.

"I'll be unfreezing time in a little bit, right after we leave, but not before giving you three years of experience in one go" Kali said as emerald telepathically transferred the memories of other mature and slightly hardcore Ben Tennyson's into this Ben's brain. "Wow... the other Me's have been through a lot" he said, then they all glowed "will I ever see you again?"

"Only if you mess something up to the max" the young man chuckled before they disappeared and time resumed. And our protagonist had fell right on his butt, "Ow... wish they could've set me on the ground first" he groaned.

"Well Kali said said this universe gets into trouble on a regular basis, wonder when thatll happen?" He asked. Ben then got a look around the store and noticed several manga and action figures "yikes, not even I'm this big of a fan" he commented before the ground shook.

"Oh god!! Well... I did ask" he said before hearing someone yell out "Well.. I was meant to be a hero. Might as well be my cue" he said confidently running to where the problem was.

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