Kiibo X Android reader

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As requested by Lonely_Monster123 here is Kiibo X Android reader so enjoy guys! ;)

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As requested by Lonely_Monster123 here is Kiibo X Android reader so enjoy guys! ;)

Kiibo wasn't your normal high school student, he wasn't even a normal person, he was a robot with a maturing AI. Even though Kiibo had no heart or brain, he still had emotions like a normal human but he could not eat, drink or sleep. Kiibo can sometimes be socially awkward but he tries his best to fit in.

Kiibo was sitting in class, it was his first day at high school and he was really nervous. He was excited to meet new people but he was nervous that they might judge him because he was a robot. Kiibo was staring at the clock as the first human student walked in.

It was a tall-ish girl with long blonde hair and purple eyes. Kiibo examined the girl and had come to the conclusion that she was harmless. As he examined her, the girl started talking to him.

"Hey there! Whatcha doin?" Said the girl with a enthusiastic tone in her voice.

Kiibo wasn't sure what to say, he was in shock because he thought she would judge him but she seemed nice.

"Hi, I'm just looking at the clock....n-nothing too important." Kiibo said nervously, he didn't want her to know that he was examining her. She might get the wrong idea.

"Um ok then, my names Kaede by the way nice to meet you!" Said the girl, starting to notice that the boy she was talking to looked a little strange.

"Hey Kaede nice to meet you too! I'm Kiibo and yes I  a robot but I'm just like you." Kiibo wanted Kaede to understand that he was the same as her, he didn't want to be judged even though he didn't think that Kaede would judge him but just in case.

"It's ok, I thought you looked a bit different but I know you're just like me and how cool I have a robot class mate! Kaede was excited.

"Thank you Kaede, much appreciated!" Kiibo was happy, he just hoped that everyone would be just as understanding as Kaede because he doesn't like to be judged.

Kiibo continued to watch as more and more students came into class, most of them were really nice like Kaede and a few seemed a bit shocked but other than that no one had really judged him. As the last last student walked through door Kiibo had noticed that she looked a bit different to the other students, she looked almost like an Android or was she actually one.

Kiibo's P.O.V:

Is she an Android? I thought I was the only robot here. This is so cool, maybe we could become friends since we're both robots! I must find out for sure tho, I don't want to look stupid if I'm wrong.

Back to third person:

Kiibo needed to know certainly if this girl was a Android because if she was, Kiibo wouldn't be the only robot. And with that, Kiibo got up from his seat and started walking over to the Android girl.

"H-Hey there, my names Kiibo the Ultimate High School Level Robot!"said Kiibo excitedly, hoping that the girl was a robot too.

"Hi Kiibo! And your a robot?! That's so cool! I thought I was going to be the only one." said the girl, who's metallic purple eyes lit up with glee.

"Fantastic! What's your name and talent?" asked Kiibo.

"My name is (Y/N) and I'm the Super High School Level Android, nothing too special." stated (Y/N) who rolled her eyes in the process.

"Well nice to meet you (Y/N) and that's an great talent! You're just like me!" Kiibo was happy to know that he wasn't the only non-human high school student, he thought that he was going to be all alone but after meeting (Y/N), the world didn't seem so bad after all.

(Y/N) and Kiibo hung out a lot after that. Kiibo decided that him and (Y/N) should stick together and learn things together since they were both robots. Kiibo had enjoyed spending time with (Y/N) and was happy that she being a fellow robot also cared for him like he did for her, she considered Kiibo as a best friend and he considered her a best friend too.

One particular lunch time while Kiibo and (Y/N) were in the library, Kiibo started to feel something strange inside of him, every time he looked at (Y/N) he couldn't help but feel his face go red.

"What is this feeling?" Kiibo thought, just as soon as Kiibo had thought that, (Y/N) had noticed that Kiibo's face was red and sweaty.

"Kiibo, are you ok? You don't look too good." said (Y/N) with a worried expression on her face.

"I-I'm fine reaahhhhhhhh!" Kiibo suddenly fell off his seat and brought (Y/N) down with him.

Kiibo had landed on top of (Y/N) and both of their faces wen't bright red.

"Oh i'm so sorry (Y/N)! A-Are you hurt?" asked Kiibo with a worried tone present in his voice.

"Yeah I'm fine, and are you sure your ok Kiibo?" insisted (Y/N).

"Yeah its just iv'e been having this weird feeling when I spend time with you (Y/N), I think I like you." said Kiibo feeling his face grow red again.

"Oh really? I was having the same feeling around you too but I didn't know what is was because iv'e never understood what love is is before." said (Y/N).

Kiibo and (Y/N) soon had came to the realization that they liked each other but they didn't know what to do.

"S-Should we kiss?" said Kiibo who was still new to this love thing.

"I think so? But how?" asked (Y/N).

"I think we have to lock lips." said Kiibo.

And with that Kiibo and (Y/N) locked lips and kissed. At first it seemed weird but after a few seconds it felt right.

"I think I finally understand what love is." said (Y/N).

"I think I do too and I love you."

Hope you guys enjoyed this fanfic! The next one that I will be writing is Shy Kiibo X Reader which was requested by Kiibo_Lover so stay tuned! 

Kibblegirl out! ^^

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