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Justina Pov.
Me and my girls are walking to the strip club cuz we like ass to.When a black car pulls up and grabs me. So I'm in the car screaming but I stop and ask why did you do this.
Pimp-Cuz I need some pussy
Justina-You don't even know my name.
Pimp-listen I don't care this is different from what I usually do.
Justina-just ask for my name
Pimp-whats your name
Pimp- I don't tell people my government
Justina-do you have a nickname
Pimp- daddy,😂😂
Justina-fuck you
Pimp-shut the hell up and come in side.
Pimp-Bitch I will drag you in there
Justina-Nigga fine I'm going
Pimp Pov
This hoe annoying as fuck let me get this out the way 4 the boys
*they eventually get in side*
Justina-Ok daddy
Boy 1-who is that fine Lil thing
Boy 2-is that the girl we fucking
Pimp-yup come upstairs with me she'll chose who goes first
Justina- fuck I choose boy 1
Boy1- bet
Boy 1 Pov-
I'm finna get in and get out
Boy 1- so how you want it
Justina-im only 23 don't hurt me
Boy 1-fuck dat
*Soon they start fucking*
He put 3 fingers in her slowly pulling them out and putting them back in.she screamed just give it to me please he put in his dick she was moaning yes daddy fuck ahh,I'm gonna cumm. He kept pushing till she cummed,he tasted her and said bitch you taste  like honey.He yelled bitch you better lick this dick.She got down and put his dick in her mouth with no gag. Since they used up mostly everyone's time everyone left except for the og pimp...............
They pimped walked in and asked how was it she was still naked so before she answer he put his dick in her butt and she yell fuckkk. So he turned her around slapped on some rubber and started thrusting in and out if her,her legs were shaking she cummed everywhere.she was to sore for a second round.They slept together the rest of the night.
Justina Pov
I woke up this morning sore asf I couldn't get up I tapped on the dude and asked him to carry me downstairs he did and then he told me his name was Justin.I asked if we could go out to brunch (face ahh) he said yea,I told him to let me get ready. He carried me to the bathroom giving me wet kisses and hickeys.he told me that told others I was his.I eventually took a shower and we were on our way.
Justin- So,are you okay I'm sorry about last night with the man.
Justina- it's fine cuz I'm yours
Justin-when I look into your hazel eyes I see light,beauty and love.

To be continued

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