Loving you is.....

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*There at the house*
Justin-where you a virgin before that night
Justina-No I had a boyfriend
Justin-Then why were you in the way to the strip club
Justina-we broke up and needed some ass in my life
Justin- I wanna bulid a family with you
Justin-I know we just met but it's something about you I wanna keep it...I'll drop the pimp shit
Justina- I don't know what to say
Justin- please say yes
Justina-Nigga yessssss
Justin Pov
I know this will work.....

Justina Pov
It's February now we've been together for about six months I know I love him it's just so scary. I'm gonna call my girl
Girl 1-watpoppin
Justina-im getting married
Girl 1-What? really!!!! are we invited this is amazing
Justina- Yes I'm so excited
Girl 2-wait but you and John broke up
Girl 1- who are you marring
Justina-you remember the man from the other night
Girl 1 &2- ofc he was fine as he could be

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2018 ⏰

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