Part 3

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The bridal suite was a magnificent one. Luxurious furniture of thefinest in Asgard. A bronze table full of delicacies and exquisitebeverage for the newlyweds to be well-fed and hydrated during theirwedding night and the rest of their stay. A roaring fire in front ofvelvety carpets and fluffy cushions. And of course, no servant insight, no one to bother or spy. A beautiful and cozy place one wouldgladly spent their whole life in.

Anyone but the two persons occupying it at that very moment.

Thor didn't know what to do with himself. He was still near theclosed doors, unsure if he was to stay a little behind or join Lokinow. His new husband was standing right in the middle of the room,his back on Thor, motionless. He had not uttered a word yet.

He had been staying like that for what felt like decades. Althoughthere were probably mere seconds. Thor was getting nervous. He wasnot used to be ignored like that and yet the slightest misplaced wordcould provoke another disaster... He had to think and be smart, ashis mother used to say. Not exactly his usual way.

"Erm...." He started, quite awkwardly. "That was some busyday...

Loki wasn't showing the slightest sign of reaction. Thor could havehit himself for not being a little more clever. How about talkingabout the weather, since he was that lame ?

– I guess you must be exhausted..." He tried again, a littlemore firm of tone. " How about we...

– Do it.

In the silence of the comfy room, Loki's curt voice sounded almostlike a bolt. It was sharp and direct. Even a bit scary. Thor wasflabbergasted. It was such a different voice from the person he hadseen.

– Excuse me ? " He blabbered.

– I said, what you have to do, do it. Now." Was the answer.

Thor grunted and walked to the Jötunn prince, grabbed him by theshoulders and forced him to turn around. He met a stunning, icy coldface. The blood red eyes were totally empty despite their brightshocking color. Loki could have been a lifeless painting or a statuefor he looked at Thor as he wasn't even there.

Yet Thor perceived a shiver of fear under his palms. This stillnesswas more than likely a simple facade.

– Look here..." Thor tried again. "We don't HAVE to doanything. We are under no obligation to...

– I know what you are going to do. So, do it.

This time, Loki's voice seemed to shake a little.

– I am ready.

It was firm again but very low, very resigned.

Thor sighed. This was getting on his nerves. He had to fight both hisurges and his need to hit and scream. He had to remain cool, sereneand straight to the point. He had to acknowledge this as one of themost crucial and delicate times of his life.

– Loki," He paused, realizing that this was the first time hesaid the Jötunn prince's name aloud. "No one is going to spy onus. No one is going to interfere with... our private life...

Until someone realize that Loki has not produced any heir yet, adisagreeable voice said in the back of Thor's brain, and THEN, therewill be massive interference.

He willed it out of his mind. They would see to it when they wouldget there.

- What I am trying to say is... We are free to do as we want and... I am not going to force you to...

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