Chapter 6

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Edd's P.O.V
A loud shot rang out and Tom crumpled to the ground.
I rushed over to him, tears pricking my eyes. It had been forever since I cried, the last time was when Tom went missing.
I took his body into my arms, my hand accidentally touching something sticky on his vest.
I pulled my hand back, only to see it coated in red. My eyes widened and I put my hand back on that spot, trying to stop the bleeding, whimpering as I still felt the warm liquid flowing out. His visor lacked glowing eyes, or even blackness, but was replaced by the word "Error".
I cradled his head, not caring as I watched the red substance stain his soft hair.
"Tom! Tom, you're gonna be alright!" I bowed my head to his so our foreheads were touching.
Tord crashed to the ground and reached a shaky hand out to touch him.
"Don't touch him, you bastard!" I screamed, slapping his hand away.
I picked Tom up bridal style, wincing as red splattered onto the ground.
He moaned in pain, but I gritted my teeth and started running, seeing Matt behind me.
"Edd, what happened?" Matt called out, confused.
"I'll tell you later." I spoke, my voice strained.
We reached the house, and I took him to his old room. Posters peeled off the walls, chipped paint littered the carpet, and the walls had a thick layer of dust. But, it was still his room.
I ordered Matt to get me a med kit.
Tom's breaths were labored, and I winced when he started coughing, red liquid dripping from his mouth.
"Edd, I don't think I'm gonna make it." His voice was raspy and every word got softer.
"Don't say that! We just got you back, your not going anywhere!"
I felt hot liquid flow from my eyes and cool as it dripped off of my chin.
He reached a shaky hand out, wiping away the tears.
"Even if I did make it,we'd be in deep shit." He laughed, but that soon turned into hacking coughs that rattled his body.
Dammit, where was Matt?!
He leaned up and our lips met. I widened my eyes in shock.
His lips were soft and warm, carrying the taste of metal.
I let tears flow from my eyes freely as I kissed him back, gently cupping his face.
The soft, bitter-sweet colliding of lips momentarily numbed our senses.
For a moment, I forgot we were in a war.
For a brief second, we were in Tom's room with Susan lying next to him. The taste of alcohol would've been on his breath, but he was still sober.
And instead of that damned dress shirt, it was his blue hoodie that I held onto softly.
But, I was ripped back into reality as I felt his body go limp, the new weight causing my arms to give out a little.
Matt burst into the room, tossing me a med kit. I quickly opened it, grabbing the gauze and applying it to the wound.
My heart sunk when I saw he didn't react to the sudden pressure that was applied on the wound.
"Tom! Stay with me!" I cried, shaking him slightly.
He shakily raised his hands to his visor, the one I hated so damn much.
He pulled it off, revealing dull black eyes that glistened from tears.
I burst out in sobs that racked my body. I hugged Tom tightly.
Something about the image of Tom hurt me so much after not seeing him in forever.
His breaths were shallow and long. You could hear the rattling in his lungs every time he sucked in a breath.
"I missed you." He spoke, taking a long pause after the short sentence.
"I love you."
He offered a weak smile, one that trembled from the effort being put in to twist the muscles upward.
I held him close to me, mumbling incoherently. I mumbled until I felt his body go rigid with his last breath, then all his muscles relax as his lungs did a final exhale. A grand finale, to remind me that I was too late.
I cried, clutching onto him, willing for him to come back.
I cried for not finding him soon enough.
I cried for him spending his years locked away in a damn army base.
But most of all, I cried for losing someone I loved. I wish I had told him sooner.
I wish that our first kiss hadn't been our last. I wish it was Tord who was shot instead of Tom.
But, wishes only take you so far.
Wishing can't change anything, because after all, it's only a wish.

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