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Dielina had quickly scurried back to her room, for two reasons: her dad was on his two side and Pip and Dot were chasing her. She slammed the door on the two and panted, wincing a bit as she felt the top right corner piece of her die chipped off and she looked at it with wide eyes. She tried putting it back on but it just wouldn't go back on, she groaned and looked in the mirror, she had earned more cracks on her face from running from the troublesome duo.

Though, what really got to her was them saying she didn't belong here with the others. This is what really got her upset, she got her journal and a pencil, sitting down and writing,

Hi Evee.

I don't think I belong here... I'm always getting teased by Pip and Dot. They keep telling me I shouldn't be here and that daddy would be better off without me...

I think they're right. I really don't belong here... I'm just dead weight, I don't do anything, I can't interact with people, I can't even defend myself without getting daddy involved and worried about me. He already is working nonstop and stressed... I didn't wanna be a reason he's even more stressed...

A single tear drop hit the page but Dielina quickly wipped her eyes from the tears. She sniffled than had a thought, nodding slightly,

If I don't belong here... I shouldn't be here... I'll grab some clothes, my ukulele, and a bag and I'm gonna leave. I'll probably go to Captain Brineybeards ship and sneak on, maybe that will take me somewhere I do belong...

Bye Evee.

With that she got up, packed the things she said into a bag and quietly snuck out of her room. But, she left a note on her door for her dad that said:

"Dear Daddy,

I'm gonna go visit Cuppy and Muggy! I'll be back soon! ~ ♡ Dielina."

She sighed and quickly left the Casino, with that she was off towards her destination.

But, if someone were to go into her room her journal was on the most recent page and the corner of her die was right on the page.

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