(Vampire Knight) Genderbend Yuki x Reader Lime🍷

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Reader Pov

Yes!! I can't believe today is the day I get to go to that fancy school that everyone has been talking about. I joined the disciplinary class because one there uniforms looked nice and two I like the way they help out people.

When I got my uniform on I quickly grabbed my bento box and ran out the door; and seeing as I was pretty much on the top five fastest runner on my old schools track team getting to cross academy was going to be no sweat.

Although because I was running so fast i found myself about to run into this boy and even when I tried to abruptly stop I still collided into him and we both fell on the ground.

(Y/n):Ow! My head, hey I am so sorry I didn't mean to bump into you

Yuki:Oh it's no problem at all here let me help you up

(Y/n):Oh thank...you

As I look up to take his hand I see....that he is freaking sexy!! Oh my god I sound like every girl in anime who bumps into their soon to be love interest man that is such a clique.

Yuki:Hey are you okay your mind seemed to be wondering somewhere else

(Y/n):~blush~ Oh yeah I am don't worry

Yuki:Okay then but hey your wearing our uniform I am guessing you are the new member that I heard from my friend zero that was joining us

(Y/n):Yep that's me

Yuki:Well it's nice meeting you Ms...

(Y/n):You can just call me (y/n) and how about you

Yuki:Oh my name is Yuki cross and I am the leader of the group

(Y/n):Oh Really now! Well it's a great thing that I bumped into you then

Yuki:~smirk~ Yes very good, hey you know I have something I need to show you would you come with me for a moment

(Y/n):Uh.. sure lead the way?

He took me by my hand and we both started walking towards the building; although call me crazy but I didn't really follow him at all. I am sure your asking but why not I mean he seems like a nice guy and is on at least a 13 on the hotness scale but still I can't help but feel like he is lying about showing me something and his aura is kind of dark.

When we we're already in the building we went into what was obviously a library; before I could gaze in awe at how big it was I hear a door click. I turn to see that yuki had locked the door and he then started to slowly walk towards me like I am some sort of meek prey.

(Y/n):Y..yuki why did you lock the door?

Yuki:So That no one can interrupt us obviously

(Y/n):I don't understand what you mean

Yuki:~Oh trust me you are about to right now~

When he said that I could help but get scared and walk back but apparently I didn't get far because in the blink of an eye he had already pinned me to one of the libraries tables.

(Y/n):H..hey let go of me!

Yuki:I can't do that I am about to take you after all; your blood is really edging me on a lot *shows fangs*

(Y/n):Y..your a v..vampire!

Yuki:Very observant~

He then bites me straight on the neck and started sucking my blood and though I know it was wrong but I couldn't help but moan when he did that. Like what is wrong with me there is a vampire drinking my blood and I am somewhat enjoying it.

Not only that but he follows up by grabbing my left breast and squeezed it while his other hand went into my skirt and rubbed on my panties.

(Y/n):Y..yuki d..don't do this we just met each other and I am saving my first for when I get married

Yuki:~sigh~ Honestly what is with you girls and the whole "waiting for marriage" crap I mean we both know that is a lie and also I am craving for you right now so I can't wait for us to get to know each other

He goes into my panties now and proceeds to finger me in and out making a moaning mess, once he pulled them out he licked my juices off them. His hips grind against me which made it harder for me to not get even more flustered then I already was.

When he was done with my neck he kissed me straight on the lips; I tasted the blood that was leftover on them and of course groaned in disgust. Both of our tongues struggled with each other but he won in dominating leaving a trail of saliva behind when he stopped.

(Y/n):~in thought~ Oh my god please someone just stop this

As if someone was listening to my prayers a voice came from behind the door followed up with a few knocks. Apparently whoever was knocking got impatient because the door immediately busts open and hit the wall with a loud smack.

Zero:Yuki!, why the hell is the door...locked

When he saw what we were doing yuki quickly got off me and fixed himself while having an annoyed look directed toward zero.

Yuki:Zero come on I was just about to enjoy my fun!

Zero:Seriously if you have time to do stuff like this then you should spend it studying as well, now would you let the poor girl go now it looks like she is about to pass out

Yuki:Ugh, Fine

Yuki gets off me and picks me up from the table and I hold on close to him because I didn't want to fall out of his arms because you know I was so tired that I might.

Zero:I am sorry for his behavior lady

(Y/n):It's fine just make sure to keep him in line from now on

Zero:Don't worry I will

Yuki:Honestly zero you are such a cockblock, this is why you will never have a girlfriend of your own

Zero:~wink~ Not if my out of this world fangirls have anything to say about it

Yuki:~rolls eyes~ What does that even mean?

Zero:~smile~ oh nothing

(A/N so I hope that was good for you all and you too #Thatgirlgivaway the one who recommended this story I am working on the female haru from free x reader next so see ya folks)

❤️Genderbend Various x Reader❤️ (REQUESTS OPEN) Where stories live. Discover now