Chapter 17- Not Him Too

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Tyler On Top

" You're what" I said 

" Taylor, just try to understand" My Father said

" Your divorce with mom finalized three weeks ago, and now you're already marriging this bitch" I said

" Taylor watch the way you speak to her, she is going to be your new stepmother" He said 

" She isn't gonna be shit for me, if you expect me to make an appearance at this wedding you're wrong. See you can marry that hoe if you want, but you will lose your kids in the process" I said

" Taylor it would mean a lot to me if you go" He said

" It would mean a lot to me if you didn't marry her, but we all can't get what we want" I said

" Just try to be supportive" He said

" Shut the fuck up, I won't do shit, you can't tell me what the fuck to do. I'm leaving. I don't want you or your bitch in my life. So don't come here anymore you aren't welcome. You've already hurt us enough, the least you can do is not show your face, and remind us of it" I said

" I'm sorry Taylor I wish it didn't end this way" He said

" I can't forgive what you did, Mom I'm not staying here tonight, I'm staying Jax's" I said about to walk out the door until

" Wait I'm coming with you, can you drop me off at Aaron's" Tia said

" Taylor, I'm also coming, drop me off at Andrew's" Tyler said

I grabbed my car keys

" Enjoy your life without us Eric" I said and we walked out the door.

I dropped Tia at Aaron's and Tyler at Andrew's. I rang the doorbell at Jax's house and Olivia answers

" Oh, hey Taylor" Liv said

" Hey" I said

 " Are you okay?, Why are you crying?" She asked as I walked in

" I'm fine, Is Jax home?" I asked 

" Yeah he is in his room, are you sure your fine?" She asked

" Yeah, I'm good" I said

" Let me know if you need anything" She said

" Thanks" I said walking up to Jax's room

I knocked on the door

" Come in" He said

" Hey" I said

" Taylor, what are you doing here, didn't you say you had a family dinner" He said

" Yeah, something happened" I said Sniffing

" Are you crying, What's wrong?" He asked walking up to me

" He's marrying her" I said crying in his chest 

" Who's marrying who?" Jax asked

" My Father is Marrying Ms. Brown" I said

" Oh My God Tay, I'm so sorry come here" He said

" I just feel like my life is falling apart" I said

" I know, so much shit has happened to you and you don't deserve it" He said

" Can I stay here tonight?" I asked

" Of course you can, let me get you change of clothes" He said

I went to the bathroom to change into his shirt and he took the clothes I was wearing and put it in the wash and then dryer. We both laid on his bed and I laid on his chest and fell asleep

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