dave and drew clinked their bourbon glasses, enjoying each others company. they had a few drinks to calm their nerves and their worries about the gracie situation. drew smiled at dave, who smiled back cautiously-he didn't want to get too suggestive. he couldn't let drew know the truth. drew placed his glass on the sleek counter of the bar and looked over at dave.
"i had an idea for a way to make grace feel terrible about herself" said drew, "but i forgot because i was too busy looking at your face." dave blushed, but acknowledged that drew had drank way more than him that night, and so he just laughed and shook his head.
"i'm not that mesmerizing. chill your beans"
drew looked at dave dreamily, his eyes seeming slightly glazed because of the effect of the alcohol. dave awkwardly coughed and swirled his drink, looking around the bar. very suddenly, drew touched dave's hand, and waved his other one at the bartender, who smiled, and served him another drink. she looked at the two having their conversation, and eavesdropped.
"you are incredibly close there, drew" dave said, his whole face red with embarrassment. drew placed his hand slowly on dave's thigh, leaning towards him and whispering quietly, with a tone of voice dave has never heard from drew.
"come with me."
dave bit his lip and held back a moan from his mouth. he felt drew grab his hand and get up.
"your drink, sir?" the lady at the bar looked at them both, a small smirk appearing on her lips. drew looked at her as if he was trying to recognize her facial features and process them in his hazed mind.
"i'll take it" he said, not taking an eye off of her face. "thanks." he walked away into a corridor that led to the disabled toilets. the lady got her phone out calmly. she dialed a number.
"yeah, your friends are fine. very fine. they're having tons of fun. oh, i just know"
drew closed the toilet door and dave looked at him as if he had no idea what was going on. it was convincing acting. drew walked up to dave and held the back of his neck with a tight grip, his other hand reaching for his lower back, pulling him closer. dave was going to say something, but decided to replace small talk with a small moan. drew moved up his hand from his neck to his hair, pulling back and whispering, "what's about to happen now, will not be talked about tomorrow. or ever, okay dave?" dave nodded desperately. the tingle in his whole body could only be treated with a certain type of drug. and that drug was drew.
suddenly, drew pushed him onto the tiled and cold bathroom wall, kissing his neck and sliding his other hand up his shirt, holding his waist. dave let out a small moan again, trying to be as quiet as possible so no one would hear.
"drew... ah... i don't think we should be doing this her-oh god-drew-mmh.." he felt drew's thigh cross his jeans. and whimpered quietly. he felt as if he was going to cum at any given moment, with barely any contact, because he was extremely sensitive to drew's touch. drew kissed his lips and dave thought that their lips had melted together and formed a protective seal so they can never seperate. suddenly they heard a knock.
"is everything alright in there?"
drew stopped and dave frowned, knowing that was the end of their adventure. the voice was unfamiliar. drew didn't respond so dave did instead.
"everything's fine" he said nervously. the man said to sound the alarm if anything's wrong, and walked away. dave sighed in relief, and drew looked as if he was going to pass out.
dave and drew headed home for that night.

problem - drave
Fanfictiondave has no idea what this "relationship" truly meant to him.