24 | fight water with water

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"finally decided to shower then, jae?" donghyuck teased on jaemin's way into the shower block. he shook his head and tutted, "dirty."

xiyeon shoved his arm from where they stood by the sinks. "don't make fun of him," she said, trying her best to surpress a laugh. "the showers are really nice, by the way, jaemin."

"oh... thanks," said jaemin, slowing down as he passed them. "um, by the way, i did shower yesterday, xiyeon."

"oh, i know!" xiyeon assured him, "i'm just saying... uh... have a nice shower, i guess."

donghyuck was chortling the entire time. when jaemin had headed off for his shower, xiyeon trod rather heavily on her boyfriend's foot.

"ow!" donghyuck objected. he shot her a mischievous look and started running the tap.

xiyeon's eyes slowly widened. "oh no... don't you even- ah! donghyuck!"

donghyuck splashed a large fistful of water in her face, laughing at her whilst she spluttered and blinked it out of her eyes.

"oh, i am so gonna get you for that!" xiyeon retaliated and splashed him back, flicking water in donghyuck's eyes and making him squeal.

"truce, truce!" donghyuck winced, holding up his hands in defence once his face was dripping with water.

xiyeon smiled at him and let out a joyful laugh, and it made the water fight all worth it.

"we should brush our teeth," xiyeon pointed out - since it was what she'd come into the shower block originally to do.

"yes," donghyuck agreed, snapping his fingers. "wanna borrow my toothpaste? it tastes kinda nice."

"okay!" xiyeon held out her toothbrush expectantly.

they fell into a comfortable silence as donghyuck shared the toothpaste and they started brushing their teeth. their eyes met in the mirror, and donghyuck raised an eyebrow at her. xiyeon wiggled her eyebrows in return. so donghyuck decided to step it up a notch and see how many silly faces he could pull until xiyeon laughed.

finally, xiyeon burst out into laughter, choking on her toothpaste and hurriedly spitting it out. "fuck you, hyuck!" she gasped, trying her best to catch a breath.

donghyuck's expression morphed from amusement into concern as he went over to rub her back, mouth still full of toothpaste. "are you okay? i didn't mean-"

"i'm fine, you headass," xiyeon chuckled in reassurance. she stepped onto tip toes to reach up and ruffle donghyuck's peachy orange hair.

donghyuck spat and rinsed, and then grinned at her. he leaned in quickly to steal a kiss, making it even harder for xiyeon to pretend to be mad.

"fucker!" xiyeon gasped, and gave donghyuck's arm a punch. but she was also smirking as she took a step closer to him.

"you liked it," donghyuck pointed out, wiggling his eyebrows in what he thought was a seductive manner.

"mhm, how much are you willing to bet though?" xiyeon asked playfully, her hands trailing up donghyuck's arms towards his neck.

"jaemin," donghyuck answered. when xiyeon looked puzzled, he added, "i'll bet a whole jaemin you liked it. it's fine, we can sacrifice... him..." his voice trailed off as she moved closer.

xiyeon's fingers wove themselves into donghyuck's hair and she grinned at him, eyes sparkling. she leaned in and pressed her lips against donghyuck's, still feeling those butterflies when he responded, despite all the time they'd been together so far. donghyuck's hands rested around her waist, pulling her closer to deepen the kiss.

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