Number 1 - Marine Hook

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Dark hair dripped over her face as she climbed back aboard, cursing in one language for each sea. Where were the little brats?

"Peter darrrrling.... Peter Pa-an!" The glint of silver caught the light as she walked. "Come out and play!" Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick... She waited for the tell tale cry of anguish followed by laughter. 

"SMEE!!!" The laughter from the usual source never came, but a faint tinkling lead her to its pet. 

"How sweet." She reached out and gripped it so tightly it couldn't breathe "A pretty little mutant!" Marine watched the fairy struggle and writhe comically. Well the eyes were comic. She reached around its back and tore. The little freak screamed when two silver wings lay in her hand. Holding it overboard she opened her palm. The splash barely registered when Pan's warning bell sank. Now... A little business to plan. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Going into her father's cabin she saw him cowering again and yelled at what he'd been reduced to, hurling the clock overboard. "WHICH IDIOT LEFT THIS HERE?!" The last idiot who owned up had stained the water red. It was worse if they didn't.  Her father stared at his hands so she screamed. "PAN YOU LITTLE S**T!" He only had one. 

years later....

"Peter darrrrling! Come an pla-ay!" The sing song voice should have warned them. "Peeeeeteeeer!" Marine was met with three terrified children and smiled. Perfect. "Oh you poor angels! He stole you didn't he? Your parents must be worried sick!" She turned away and waited until the girl spoke up. 

"What do you mean stole us?" Restraining laughter she smiled, removing it to turn around and answer.

"Well surely you love your parents?" Marine acted shocked at the non existent thought that they didn't. The toddler interrupting was perfect.

"We're taking them tweasure!" Of course you are. She held her heart and forced out tears.

"Oh you poor lambs! You see when Peter brings children here he.... no, you can't hear it! You're too young!" She faked a sob and whispered "I can't hurt you" She watched the little twerp in the top hat catch on. 

"You don't mean...."

"They never go back." Timing  it perfectly she added "My father and I try to help but there's only two of us" Wait for it.

"We could help you"

"Are you sure? Such dangerous adventures!" They lit up like fireflies. "I don't even know your names." The girl answered

"Wendy, John and Michael." 

"Not very piratey names" She choked slightly at having to act so dumb and naive. Wendy blushed

"I always thought I could be... Red Handed Jill" Perfect.

"A new hook Daddy?" Marine grinned at the unspoken question "To celebrate" Pan's as good as dead.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2018 ⏰

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