When you 'borrow' something from them.

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Angry Titan Boy~

Your POV:

I walk into his room to find nobody there.' um that's weird. WAIT!' I spotted his large green shirt. 'hehe' I put it on. But it was to big for me. Way to baggy. 'all well.' *cough cough*

You-"Hi. I'm Eren Jaeger and I'm a hot angry German kid. I want to kill all the titans!" That's when I hear the door open. I turn around with wide eyes. It was none other than Eren.

Eren-"Um....Y/N what are you doing to my shirt?" He blushed.

You-"I wanted to try it on...."I blushed at the fact he caught me in the act.

Eren-"I'm a hot angry German kid?" He smirked.

You-"Yeah...." He walked closer to me. I walked backwards until my back met with a wall. Eren continued to walk closer to me. He looked down at my small figure.

Eren-"You should keep that on. You look adorable." He whispered into my ear. He kissed me gently on the lips and I kissed back. "Oh Y/N. You make my day."


 The Clean Shorty~ 

Your POV:

I was in his room waiting for him to come back. I looked around his clean room until something caught my eye. There was spare cravat on his side table. I picked it up. 'hehe' I put it on and went to his mirror.

You-"Oi , brats. Get back to cleaning." I said in my best Levi voice. "I only use windex and tide. I'm a sexy short scary man." Little did I know he was stood right behind me. I looked up in the mirror to see my boyfriend standing right next to me.

Levi-"Hehe. Sexy short scary man?"


Levi-"Scary."He smirked. I gulped.He smashed his lips on mine and kissed me deeply. I kissed back hesitantly. "You're so cute." He continued kissing me while I was a blushing mess.


The Coconut~

Your POV: 

You-"Armin?" I called peeping my head into his bedroom. But he wasn't there. I could hear the sound of water running. He must be in the bath or shower? I went in his room to wait for him. I see his boots and a great idea pops into my head. I slip my feet into his big boots. They are much bigger than my shoes. I walk around in them. "These are way too big." That's when the door creaks open. 'oh no'

Armin-"Y/N what are you doing in my boots?"He asked confused.

You-"U-um I was waiting for you and I um had a stupid idea. Sorry"

Armin-"There is no need to apologise." Little did you know he thought it was cute....



Your POV:

You actually didn't try on anything of his. What you did was get an eyebrow pencil and yeah stuff happened.......

It went like this: 

You-"I'm so bored...WAIT!"An amazing idea came into my head. I grabbed an eyebrow pencil and drew freckles on myself. "I'M FRECKLED JESUS!"I shouted in victory.

Marco-"What are you doing babe and what's with the freckles?" He asked as he walked in to check on you.

You-"I'm you."


You-"Hi. I'm Marco Bott. I'm also known as freckled Jesus."I did my best impression of him.

Marco-"Oh my goodness."

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