Part 2

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Twin troubles Part 2

Shagun was browsing internet.Simi came.Simi:What are you doing di?Shagun:Nothing.Just spending time on face book.
Simi sat near her.Suddenly their eyes struck a girl's picture.That picture was liked by Shagun's friend Nisha.That's how it appeared in her Home page.Simi:This girl looks pretty.Right di?Shagun:Ya.Simi:Click na...Shagun:Yep.Shagun clicked the picture.It got enlarged.

Shagun:Wow.What a style Icon!She defeated me too in fashion.Simi smiled:Who is she?Shagun:Let's check her profile.She clicked her profile.Shagun:Ishita Kapoor.Simi:Di...a naughty idea popped in my mind.What if we consider Ishita for Raman bhai?
Shagun:Good idea.Even I feel that she suits Raman bhai.Simi:Then why don't we think about it seriously?Shagun:Sure.Shagun talked to Nisha and asked about Ishita.Simi:What did Nisha say?Shagun:Ishita was there with Nisha in her previous gym.That's how she knows her.She does'nt know her that well.But she knows that she is one Mr.Mahesh Kapoor and Madhu Kapoor's daughter.And Nisha said she is a sweet girl.Simi:If she is a sweet girl what else do we need?Shagun:Right.Let's talk to Toshi aunty about it.They rang up Toshi.Shagun:How are you Toshi aunty?Toshi:Good good.How are you all?Shagun:We are fine aunty.Simi:Actually we found a girl for Raman bhai.We think that she suits bhai.
Toshi:Really?We are also thinking of getting him married.Shagun:We will send you her picture.Shagun and Simi sent the picture to Toshi.Toshi and Omprakash smiled seeing the picture.Toshi:She looks so pretty.I want her as my daughter in law.Shagun:Of course Toshi aunty.We can try our best.Bhallas contacted Kapoors regarding Raman Ishita alliance and Kapoors were surprised as they have heard about Bhalla Industries.Madhu:We are only happy that our daughter Ishita is getting a proposal from such a reputed family.Toshi:We are delighted to hear that.Mahesh:But will Raman like Ishita?Toshi:Who will not like your daughter?She is so sweet.
Madhu and Mahesh smiled.Om Prakash:Let Raman and Ishita meet first.If they like each other we will proceed.
Mahesh:Ok fine.
Toshi and Om Prakash talked to Raman about it.Raman:Marriage proposal?No...I don't think it's the right time.Toshi:If not now then when?When you become old?Very soon you will get old.It's the right time to get married.Om Prakash:I too agree with Toshi in this matter.You should go and meet the girl.Raman:But...Toshi:Your hesitation to meet her will disappear if you see her.She is very sweet.Toshi showed him Ishita's photograph.Unknowingly a smile appeared on Raman's face seeing her.Toshi and Om Prakash looked at him.Raman:Ok.I am ready to meet Ishita.
They became very happy.
When Madhu and Mahesh told this to Ishita she blasted at them.Ishita:Marriage and me?No way.I am not interested in getting married.
Madhu got irritated:How dare you talk like this?You think the whole life you can enjoy partying in pubs?
Ishita and Divya were stunned.Madhu:You think we don't know anything?We know everything.But we pretended to be ignorant thinking that our daughter will never cross the border..But we can't leave you like a free bird always.You have to take it seriously.Getting such a good proposal is a blessing.So you have to meet him.They have fixed the meeting at Arad Restaurant.Understand?
Mahesh:Just meet him once and see beta.
Ishita:Ok.They were relieved.
Ishita and Divya were in their room.They looked at Raman's photo.
Ishita:I don't feel like meeting him.He looks so traditional.He is not my type.Divya:But I feel he is good.Ishita:You will feel so as he may be like you.Divya:But mumma papa will be very angry if you don't meet him.Ishita:Ya I know.But still I won't waste my time by meeting that guy.But still I won't disappoint our parents.Divya:How is that possible?Ishita:Because my dear will meet Raman Bhalla in disguise of me.For him you will be Ishita.He won't know that you are not me.Divya was can I?
Ishita:Please always please save me this time also.Divya after thinking for a while nodded her head:Ok ok.I will go there to meet Raman Bhalla as you.Ishita:That's like my sister.And make sure that he will hate me in the first meeting with you itself and he himself should drop this proposal.
Divya:Don't worry about that Ishu.I will manage it.Ishi:Thank you so much di.

Twin Troubles Ishra SSWhere stories live. Discover now