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'Just a thank you,' Cas said. He smiled, but when he saw the suddenly serious look in Deans eyes, the smile faded. 'What is wrong?' he asked, worried. 

'Cas,' said Dean, 'I have to confess something to you. That first morning you were here... I thought you were so beautiful. I wanted to kiss you then, but I did not know how you would react. 

Castiel gasped in shock. 'Kiss... me?' 

'I told myself I must not, because of the terrible ordeal you had just suffered. It was not the right time. But these past few days while I was gone, I could think only of you the entire time. And now...' 

'Dean...' Cas sighed his name. 'I thought about you too. All the time, while you were gone. I was worried I would never see you again.' 

dean lifted his hand to gently strokes cas on the cheek. 'I am sorry I ran off like that. I should have said something to you.' 

Taking a deep breath, Cas said, 'Dean, there is something I have been considering over the past several days. I think we were meant to find each other. What happened to me... it was no accident of fate. I was meant to come here. You were meant to rescue me.' 

A bright smile broke across Dean's face as soon as Castiel had spoken. 'You know,' he said, 'I had been thinking the same thing! That night when I found you I had been worried an unable to think. Some strange power led me out to the terrace, and that was when I saw you.' 

Castiel took Deans hand. 'So you think... we are meant to be together?' 

'I have no doubt of it.' Slowly, Dean leaned in and kissed Castiel softly on the lips. 'I love you,' he whispered. 

'I love you too, Dean,' Castiel whispered in return. 



ihope you like it!!

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