What we are Part 1

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I pulled up to the subdivision that Jack lived, apparently, Zeke lived there as well, he was smiling happily, doped to high heaven talking complete nonsense. “Oh my go-o-o-o-sh! It is sooo freaking hot here!” he whined, ripping off his school shirt and tossing it in the back of my car. “I hate heat. We're not friends, heat and sun are like two big bullies with vendettas against pale people!”

I chuckled agreeing. “Maybe if you got around them more you'd get a little tanner? Then it wouldn't be so bad.”

“And let them rub off on me? NO way! Me getting a tan is more...more impossible than my dad putting down the drink.”

“The drink?” I asked. He nodded gravely, but the glaze in his eyes let me know he was still 100% out of it.

“Liquor, you know, he's a drunk, an abusive drunk at that. That's why we left this go round, because he found out I was gay and tore the manky out of me, I was in the hospital for a good month and a half.” he shrugged like it was no big deal then went off on a rant about how all garden gnomes are creepy and planning on taking over the world one day, but my mind was still stuck on what he had said about his father. He hit him? He hit my Angel? I growled and gripped the steering wheel so tightly that it cracked. “Tristan? You just missed my house.” Zeke was completely turned around, staring out the back windshield, pointing to one of the many identical houses, the only difference being a plant and a cobblestone walk way.

“Do you mind if we take a short stop near by? Jack lives just around the corner there, I need to talk to his dad.”

“O-key-dopey!” he sniggered, falling back in his seat the right way, running his hand over his chest nearly making me forget my anger in favor of some serious hardcore lust, “Dopey!” then he was asleep, the doctor said that what he'd pumped Zeke full of while at the hospital was a lot like LSD and that Zeke would be in and out of lucidity for at least four hours and get worse before it got better, but that he needed it. Zeke had been lying about just how badly his injuries hurt, saying it wasn't that bad, but the X-rays showed that anyone else would've been on the ground screaming in agony. Now I know why, Zeke was used to these kinds of wounds. I growled deep in my throat thinking that in his drugged haze, Zeke was too far gone to notice just how animalistic it had been. No human could ever make that sound. He muttered something about a lama trying to eat his hair and rolled over in the car. I smiled faintly, tussling his hair. We pulled into Jacks driveway and to my utter surprise my friend was already home. I got out and pulled Zeke in to my arms, ready to face my current alpha and show him my mate. “Tristan!” Jack's mother Amber called, happily wrapping her arms around my neck, careful not jostle Zeke too much, he woke up enough to tell her that she was as pretty as butter toast and snuggle back into my shoulder.

“So, I'm guessing this is-”

“ZEKE!” cried that weird cross dresser, interrupting Jack's father and flinging himself at his unconscious friend.

“Um what's the weirdo doing in you guys' house?” Jack's eyes blazed through me as he pulled the freak in to his arms, petting his hair and playing with his protruded lip.

“Don't call my mate a weirdo!” Jack snarled, my eyes just about fell out of their sockets.

“Your what now?”

“You heard me. My mate, and Chris knows what we are and who Zeke is to you.” he said, bending to kiss the boy on the lips lightly. Chris giggled and threw himself bodily at my best friend while Amber and Tom watched on proudly.

“This is just too weird.” I muttered, heavily shaking my head, adjusting Zeke in my arms to where he could be more comfortable, he latched on with all four limbs like a koala, squirming until I was certain that we were fused together. “So there's no need for me to announce my mating to you guys then.” I chuckled drily at my alpha's. The shook their head, grinning hugely.

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