Sometimes thoughts aren't meant to be shared out loud, but rather read by others and taken in from their perspective. Swarms of questions fight in my head; its hunger for answers is unbearable. Atoms upon atoms are held together by an unknown force, stars that have been burnt out for billions of years are capable of lighting up our midnight sky. Black holes created in an abyss that claims to pull you towards emptiness. The universe expanding into nothing. We are answers, disguised as a question, that's the thing about life, it doesn't make sense because we crave the mystery more than the solution, and we follow the catch of the way the world runs when we can all walk it. We'd rather struggle and pretend to help the cause, we'd rather failure then everyone succeeding together, because if we're equal there's nothing to fight for, there would be no struggle no reason for hope, there would just be happiness, and there's no adrenaline in breaking rules that cease to exist.There's no anxiety in a happy void where up and down are the same as left and right