Chapter 9

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Miracle POV
Today my dad wanted to keep DJ for the week so i was gonna go see Blessing play football
"Yes mamas"
"I cant find my hoops"
"They right here bae"he chuckled
"Oh thanks daddy"i winked as he left out we finally left i sat on the bleachers and he went to the locker rooms but first he kissed me
"I love you mamas"
"I love you more"i said and he left i sat there until the game was over then i saw him talking to one of the cheerleaders so i walked my fat ass down there standing next to them waiting impatiently
" I'll catch ya later"he said trying to kiss me but i swerved him
"Ew i dont kiss people who flirt while im around"
"Mamas it wasnt even like that"(mm)
"Sure"i facetimed my dad to check on DJ
"Hi baby"i cooed at DJ
"Agagaga"he spit while trying to say something we talked for a while then he was about to eat so we hung up
"We should make more babies"
"Hell no"i mushed his head
"You want some food?"
"Yes"he bought me a hotdog and some popcorn
"I love you"
"Thanks and i love you too"
"Awwh your brother and sister bond is adorable"this lady said while walking by
"Ohh no were dating"
"Omg im sorry"
"Its cool"we sped walked away
"We dont even look alike"we said in usion he mushed my head
"Moveeee bum"i said
"Richer than your mom"he laughed
"Thats cold"i sat down mugging him
"Im just playing"
"Mmm okay"i laid across his lap but quickly got up when i felt something in his pants and i found the cheerleader he was talking to number
"You want a cheerleader girlfriend? Am i not good enough? Do you not wanna be with me? You want somebody who will do the splits for you? gone"he chased after me the car ride home was silent
"You know i dont want her she slipped it in there. Your more than good enough mamas. Of couse i want to be with you. It doesnt matter if you can do the splits or not i only want you. Dont leave me....please"he spoke
"Im trusting you once you fuck up thats it"i mumbled texting KaMya the rest of the night was history😉....

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