🌹Part 6🌹

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I went to the door and I saw a man figure at the door.It was the guy from my class.

"Hi how can I help you"?

"Ummm i just moved in the neighbor. I live about 3 houses down from your house".

"Ummm okay... nice to meet you too *awkward moment*

"Well nice meeting you by the way see you at school.

"You too"

I closed the door and and slid down my door, how can someone be so handsome like him.

I sat there by the door just thinking about him.

I finally decided to get up and continue going up stairs.

I got in my bed and went to bed

Morning: At school

I met jungkook and the rest of my friends at the front of the school like we always do. I told my friends about what happened last night. They were surprised, but it seemed as if jungkook had some sad or mad face idk.

Magical time skip; after school

Me,Nancy and Luna decided that we were going to have a little get together or sleepover.

Before the sleepover started i went to the store and picked up a couple of movies and junkfood. In the store I bought all kinds if chocolate,candy and chips. On the way to get the drinks I noticed the same guy again from my class.

I guess he was shopping im not for sure.he had no shopping cart or basket. Idk maybe he just wanted to get some fresh air.

I bought everything and headed to the parking lot. After putting all the grocery bags in the car. I took the shopping cart back in the store.

Me being my curious self I decided to go find him and ask for his name. But .... He wasn't no where in the store.

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