a devil may cry fanfic

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'God it's cold out here'. Myra thought this on her way to the first bar or pub to come by. ' doesn't anybody own a bar any-',  just then she saw a small bar nearby. There was no arguing about the fact it was the only bar she had seen in hours. 

          "Well a small bar is better than no bar at all now isn't it".

As she walked in she noticed a number of eyes was staring at her. 'creeps' she had thought.

"what can do for ya babe?" "my name is not babe. But since I'm here, do you got anything sweet?" the bartender stared at her for a moment, but then chuckled and said "how does a strawberry sundae sound?"

"that's fine"

The bartender had the sundae made in the blink of an eye.


"no problem"

"how much?"

"this one's on the house. You look liked you've had a rough day, wanna talk about it?" Myra took a big gulp of the sundae ,that was now milk like, before answering.

     "Nah, just needed to rest been walking for awhile, you seem to make the sundaes often."

"yeah, my friend Dante comes around very often. This happens to be what he orders every time."


the bar stood very quiet for about ten minuets or so,until a guy walked in. His foots step where very heavy as he walked in. then in loud strong voice he said

    "you know what I want man. And who's your little friend?"

"the girl's not from here. been walking for a while, needed to stop."

     "Hmmm... got name kid?"

"I would prefer it very much if you didn't call me kid, thank you very much"

  "well then what's your-" "my name does not need to be in your mouth, henceforth you do not need to know it"

'hopes that shuts him up'

once again the bar went quiet. Myra finished her sundae and but after saying

"thanks for the sundae! " "no problem come around any time sweetheart "

and with that she left.

      Myra wasn't sure how much time had passed since she had left the bar, could've been hours for all she knew. But she just kept on walking to where? She doesn't know.

    "so, I see you have a lot of guts to talked to me the way you did".

That voice. it sounded very familiar to Myra but she didn't look back.

"I know you can hear me kid."

"to be honest you are the one who has a lot of nerves! Who the hell in the world would want start following someone after seeing them in a crappy bar? Honestly! and I told you do not call me kid."

"unfortunately, you are the one who refuses to tell me your name,  so what should I call you?"

Myra just kept walking hoping that he would eventually leave alone in the silence she was in before.

   "I got I got, how babe? huh? 'no' for babe okay then how about girly? no no no I got it I got now, sweetheart, yes that is what the guy had called in the bar so I guess-"

  "JUST SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY!!!! honestly don't you get tired of your own voice like seriously, my name is Myra now leave me the hell alone "

    "well that's all I needed to hear. My name is Dante. " Myra scoffed and walked away from Dante like nothing happened.

    "before you leave I want to show you something" "what the hell could you possibly want now?"

"just watch"

he took out a bell. Very small, Myra actually found it kind of cute. "really a bell?"

"just watch"

Dante rung the really quick then stopped.

Nothing happened for awhile then Myra saw a portal like thing form in mid air.

   "W-w-what the hell is that?!" "wow you use the word 'hell' a lot you know that ". The portal just kept getting bigger until...


A monster like thing came of the portal and the the portal closed.

The monster looked like a scorpion but bigger and the poison dripped out the tail.

"OH MY GOD!!!!" THAT was all Myra could say until she started running. And with that the monster started chasing her.

     Myra ran and ran and kept running until the monster caught up to her. A quick flick of the tail and Myra's back felt like it was on fire. 'can't move. this is not how I ever wanted to die'

"Myra!!! next time don't run or scream!! "

  Myra had no idea what Dante was doing but in no time she saw him shooting at the monster like it was his job. And in no time the monster had died. "p-p-please h-h-help" Dante put his guns away then walked towards Myra.

  "don't worry kid you won't  die, you are just temporarily paralyzed. I got you, try to sleep though it hurts like hell when you're awake" "What are you -" "sleep sweetheart ".With that darkness fell over Myra with the image of Dante in her head.

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