A Look Back

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It's so dark and cold, my fingers are going numb from the low temperature. I don't know how long I've been here, I lost track of time awhile ago. I think it's been three days, I'm not sure.

I don't even know why I'm here, I just woke up here. The last thing I can remember was my mom calling my name, and before that we were just planting flowers in her garden. I think my dad was there too, but that idea's pretty out there, he usually doesn't talk to us unless he wants something.

I think I'm in a cage, whatever I was laying on was cold and smooth, and by feeling around, I could tell I was surrounded by metal bars. I couldn't stand up either, if I did, I'd bang my head on something. So I was forced to either hunch over, straining my back, or curl up on my side. There wasn't very much room.

There were other sounds occasionally, they included scuffling, scratching, and even faint screams. I was terrified, to put it bluntly. And who wouldn't be?

I'm stuck in the dark with no idea where I'm at, I don't have food or water, and as far as I know I'm completely alone. Am I....going to die here? I don't want to die, I'm still just a kid. I haven't been given a chance to live my life. I want my mom.

I could tell my teeth were chattering, and I was shivering, my body was trying to keep my temperature up so I wouldn't freeze to death. Maybe it would be better to give in to the cold, that way I wouldn't have to keep suffering through this. But, what about my mom? What happened to her? I hope she's okay, she hasn't been feeling well lately, I think she's sick. I remember her talking to dad about some thing she had. The word they used was tumor, I don't really know what that is, but mom said it was what made her cough so much. Before I woke up here, I remember her yelling at dad for something, and he yelled right back.

'Its for the betterment of the village! Why won't you listen to me? You can always just have another brat!'

'She's your daughter, she doesn't deserve this. I don't care if it'll help me, I don't want her to suffer any more than she will when I'm gone.'

I don't know what any of that meant, and I don't want to know.

Suddenly, there was a bright light blinding me. I covered my eyes as they adjusted to the brightness, what the heck was that? Was someone here to help me?

"H..hello?" My voice was hoarse, probably from not using it in such a long time.

My eyes adjusted and I could see someone standing there, it looked like a man. The person walked over to the cage type thing I was in, and kneeled down next to it. Taking a better look at them, I could see it was my dad.

My eyes started watering and I reached out a shaking hand towards him,

"D-dad, where a...are we?"

There's a look in his eyes I've never seen before, it was one of someone on the brink of going mad. He tilts his head to the side slightly and says quietly,

"It's alright my dear, everything's okay. You're going to come with me now."

He straightens up and I heard a clanking sound, he then steps back as the metal door swings open with a creak. I pull myself from the cage and he holds out a hand to me, I take it and he pulls me to my feet. Not standing up for hours really does a number on your legs, I could barely stand upright, but he didn't seem to take notice.

Dad leads me out of the dark room and out into a bright white hallway, I look up at him and ask,

"Where's mom? Is s-she okay?"

He brushes off my question by yanking me behind himself as he pulls me down the hall, and into another brightly lit room. This room was much different than the first. Looking around, I saw there was a couple of people here, there was machines everywhere, and there was a table in the center of the room.

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