Chapter 9-Reunited? Maybe? Possibly?

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I turned around in the person's arms, and was shoked to say the least. The person hugging me, was....Jordi! She lifted her head up and I noticed she had tears in her eyes, as did Haz. I hugged her back, missing the feeling of her awesome hugs. "Katie, I'm so so so so so so sorry!! Please don't EVER think that cutting will solve you're pain! I'm sorry I got mad at you! Please forgive me for ever yelling at you!" She practically begged me to forgive her, when she didn't even know that I already have.

"I'm sorry too! I should have never kept that a secret. You had every right to yell at me. I was just shocked you actually had that in you. You're my best friend and I will ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS love you! Don't you ever forget that!!" I couldn't help it and broke down again, although this time, so did Jordi. "You're my best friend too Katie! I will ALWAYS love you too! I never want to lose you and just so you know, I will ALWAYS be here! No matter what the problem maybe! I don't ever want to find out that you've evven thought about self harming again, you got that!?" She sobbed.

This time, Haz pulled us both into a hug and I felt something wet run down my neck. "Aw Hazza, please don't cry!" I whined. "I'm sorry. I just can't stand to see two of my best friends crying." He sobbed, hugging us both tighter. I pulled out of the hug and asked, what I think the three of us have been dreading to ask, "So where do we stand now? Like are we cool? Still best friends?" Jordi looked at me like I was crazy before pulling me into one of her tight hugs and said, "Of course we're still best friends! I'm not going to let something like this keep us apart! All best friends fight right?" She had a smile on her face, the one I had been waiting to see, was finally back on her face.

"Good!! Now I don't mean to intrude, and it's probably none of my business, but where do the two of you stand?" I timidly asked. I know Harry said that he was going to end it tomorrow, but I figured we might as well get it out of the way now... The two of them kind of looked at each other and looked as if they were having a silent conversation with each other. Then Harry said, "Well, actually Jordi, I kind of want to break things off between us. I just don't feel that 'Love' connection anymore. Don't get me wrong, I still love you, but more as a sister now. We tried a relationship and it just didn't work out." Jordi sighed and nodded her head and said, "Yeah, I feel the same way. I was actually thinking about ending things tomorrow. You said everything I was going to... Exept one thing..." She trailed off.

"And what would that one thing be?" He questioned. "I honestly think you and Katie would make a MUCH better couple than we did. And I'm not just saying that, I really mean it. You two are perfect for each other, and it took all this for me to finally realize it." She smiled a big smile and pulled us into a big group hug.

"Thanks, boo." I smiled back at her. "I'm serious though! Anyways, I'm glad we got all this behind us now. I have to get back to work now though. I love you both so much and will see you guys at school monday! Goodnight guys," and with that, she left. I breathed out a huge breath I didn't know I was holding, and turned to look at Haz. He had beat me to it though, so instead of seeing his chisled profile, I was met by his sparkling green eyes.

"Let's get you home now shall we?" He asks with a smirk on his lips. "Yeah, I probably should've been home like 45 minutes ago." I said and returned the smirk. We turned to leave and Haz gave me yet another hug. "I love you Katie. I'm sorry it didn't aactually click 'till today, but I really truly love you. Please do me the honor of going on a date with me? At least one date." He asked with hope filling his beautiful eyes.

"Yes Haz, I'd love that." I smiled, He smiled so his teeth were on full display and his dimples were on show as well. We started walking and he entwined our fingers together. I couldn't help but smile to myself. I had finally gotten the boy I had never thought I would and made up with my best friend. 'Today couldn't get any better.' I thought to myself. "I know! Today has been a rather good day when you think about it." Haz said breaking me out of my trance. "What?" I quizzed. He just looked down on me and smirked, "You said 'Today couldn't get any better' I was just agreeing with you."

It was a good thing it was dark out, cause then he couldn't see my face turn bright red. I couldn't help the smile that pryed itself on my lips and the laugh that came afterwards. Harry just chuckled along with me and started swinging our hands back and forth. We were about half way back to my house, and he started humming something that sounded so familar. I just couldn't quite place my finger on it. Then it hit me, he was humming "Isn't She Lovely by Steveie Wonder".

I couldn't help but sing the words out loud, but I waited for him to get back to the chorus. "Isn't he lovely, Isn't he wonderful, isn't he prescious, less than one minute old." I started singing. He looked at me with shock written on his face. I couldn't help but giggle and say, "What? That's one of my favorite songs, so of course I'm going to sing along to it." I winked at him and he just said, "Wow, I didn't know you could sing love! You're really good! I really hit it off with you, didn't I?" He questioned. I just looked at him confused, "I've got the girl with the looks, brains, confidence, AND the vocals!" I just b;ushed, as I didn't know how to respond to that statement.

"You wanna know a secret?" He asked. "Yeah sure." I replied. "You're really cute when you blush." He winked. It only caused me to blush harder than I was. He just giggled and started singing the words out loud now. "I never thought through love we'd be making one as lovely as she, but isn't she lovely made from love." I just smiled and gave him a big hug. He stopped singing and hugged me back. I love his hugs, he gives real hugs. Y'know, like wraps both arms tightly around my body and pulls me close to him. Have I ever mentioned, how good he smells?! No? Well I have now!

We sadly arrived to my house, and it seemed as if time slowed down as we got closer to the door. "Goodnight, babe. Meet me tomorrow at the park? Along with the rest of the mates? Say noonish?" He asked. "Yeah that would be fun. I'll see you there." I smiled and gave him a hug goodnight and went inside, only to be met by my parents.

Isn't She Lovely: Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now