Chapter 3 - Training

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Walking into the training room, the familiar smell of gunpowder whofted into the bush man's nose. He and his partner, Medic, were about to begin their first training session together. A sniper gunman and a healer was quite the unusual combination, but it was ordered from the Administrator so they wanted to do it right to keep their jobs.

"So how are ve going to do zhis?"

"Oi dunno, mate. How 'bout we start with some good ol' shootin' and knife foightin?" The Australian suggested, slinging out his sniper rifle from his back while the doctor pulled out his syringe gun. Medic pressed the button by the wall to begin their shooting target practice as their targets came into view uncoordinated, allowing the mercenaries to always be on guard to save them a trip to the respawn room for the real battle.

* * *

Sniper was a sharp shooter as always; he had to be. He had to be on higher ground to assist those on the front lines. Medic on the other hand was good, but his syringes were not enough to damage the targets in a short time, leaving him vulnerable to bullets, flames and explosives that the BLU team would dominate him with. The bushman noticed this and walked over to his fellow mercenary.

"Do ya use that gun much, Doc?" Medic stopped shooting and turned his attention towards Sniper.

"Nein. I am always too busy healing everyone else to defend meinself, I must rely on zhem to protect me. Besides, zhey don't like it vhen I am a 'battle medic' as zhey call it." The German replied, honest in his words but his tone showed disappointment that he couldn't be first into the action, he hated the feeling that he was like the shadow to everyone else.

"C'mon mate, Oi'm sure the other's 'preciate your support. You're the bloody Medic after all! Anyway, let's get onto some stabbin' yeah?" Medic had quietly mumbled something, Sniper unable to pick out the words, before the mention of 'stabbing' let the doctor's smile curl into an evil-like grin as he pulled out his Ubersaw.

"I am going to saw vrough your bones!" Sniper laughed and slapped his back before pulling his Kukri out and hitting the button to set out the melee targets that were closer for them to strike. "That's the way, Doc!"

* * *

Unlike the shooting, the doctor was now blazing through the melee training with Sniper close behind him. When finished, all that remained was cardboard littered on the floor from the shooting and slicing the two had accomplished.

"Nice goin'! Putta' there!" The bushman exclaimed, raising his hand in the air for a high-five, which Medic gladly smacked his hand against the Sniper's.

"You did excellent today, if I say so meinself." The doctor complimented to the gunman as he gathered his rifle and slinged it over his shoulder.

"Thanks mate, ya did a heck of a job showin' those target's whose in charge, aye?" Medic laughed at this before patting the Australian on the back and collected his things. "Zat is a good joke, kamerad."

"Huh? Oi'm serious, Doc." He replied, confusion clearly in his voice. The black haired male adjusted his glasses whilst looking through the Sniper's orange tinted shades, trying to find his eyes.

"If you said zat to ze others, zhey vould all think you are some dummkopf, mein freund. Zat, you are not." The bushman didn't know what to say. 'Surely they aren't all that much of bastards, are they? Oi wouldn't know.. Oi'm never around Doc in the field...' 

But before Sniper could say anything to reassure the doctor, Medic had cut him off by placing a hand on his shoulder, but avoided eye contact as he stared down at the floor.

"Danke for being zhe only one to zhank me vhen I heal you." Was the last thing said before he left the room, leaving the bushman standing alone in the training room. The last sentence swirling through his mind. Little did he know, that sentence wasn't the first time it was said to him in that room today.

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