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The young girl steps out into the fresh air of Paris and the first words to escape her full lips are "crap," as she reaches for her phone which fell on the pavement. As she surveys the damage she huffs and rolls her eyes. "Of course," she thinks "Of course this happens to me,"

Looking around she sees her parents up ahead and runs to catch up with them. They fill her ears with stories of Monarchy and fame, but all the girl hears is a lot of insignificant shit. She is the image of the typical bratty young teenager and it doesn't faze her parents in the slightest. They raised 5 other teenagers, this one shouldn't be a problem. Finally, when the let the girl go to a coffee shop by herself she has an escape. Curling up at the back of the cafe she orders a hot chocolate and pulls a worn out copy of 'Pride and Prejudice,' from her tote bag. Her eyes alight with warmth as she reads and for a moment you see her features soften. A smile forms across her lips as she chuckles to a joke between her and the book. Strands of hair fall across her vision and she blows them each softly out of the way. Contrary to the earlier image of this girl, she is actually an intelligent, well-spoken clutz. Her outlet being eloquent words that express her thoughts more than she can verbalise.

(Late afternoon)

It is only when the sun sets that the young girl looks up from her book, contemplating whether she should go out and find her parents. Eventually the latter wins and she steps outside into the crisp evening air. As if by timer all the lights in the street flicker on. The girl shivers as a cold wind runs up her small figure. Walking slowly along the dark street she searches for her parents, quietly wondering they would have actually have left their daughter alone in a strange city. Thinking about it, they probably would. Why would they care anyway, she wasn't even their daughter. To them she was just another foster child that would be out of their hair in 3 months and they would be getting their hefty pay check for treating her like dirt. So she wandered the streets of Paris, taking in the sights and smells, hoping that she would somehow find her way back to her hotel.

She gave up eventually and decided to walk into a small bookshop. Walking to a corner filled with pillows the teenage girl curled up and fell asleep, wishing the night away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2014 ⏰

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