chAptEr thrEE:

31 3 7

Finally it was the end of the day and mArk had only been wedgied 6 times, shoved in a locker twice  and had his Geography book thrown in the toilet. A new record!

He had to walk home because someone threw his scooter into the river that ran behind the school.  As soon as he got home, mArk threw his Barbie backpack onto his bed and fell down next to it. 

"Today was GREAT!" said mArk. He was talking to fluffy, but she wasn't really listening. 

"Everybody loves me and I'm going to sign up for the talent show." mArk explained with a huge smile on his face. mArk opened his cupboard, where he had pictures of Brianna stuck on the door. 

"Ohhhhh. She is so beautiful." thought mArk. "Maybe after the talent show, she will  like me back!"

He got dressed, did his homework, had dinner and then went to bed at 18:30.His parents didn't explain exactly why he had to go to bed earlier than the other kids. They just said that he was "special". But they didn't say it in way that would make you feel proud to be unique. They said it in way, like they had just taken a bite from a lemon. mArk didn't care one bit.

The next day was a normal day for mArk. You know.

Be late for school

Get pushed around by Brendan and his friends

Almost throw up when he see's Brianna

And make his way home.

Everything was the same except for one little thing. When he usually got into bed at 18:30, he would have gone another day as a loner at school and would have fallen asleep as a loner. But what he didn't know was that tomorrow it would all change. He would discover something that he has never discovered before and something that he would never forget. 

Could it be fame?  No!

Could it be fortune?  No!

Could it be friendship? ....... well......

You'll just have to wait until chAptEr fOUr to find out.

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