Chapter 26 "Training Camp!"

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why is Megane kun poker faced looking right at me?







"A REAL LIFE TSUNDERE BOY!" he screamed sounding like he's fangirling... 


"Tsundere?" I asked, tilting my head sideways as we froze

"What is that?" Captain asked

"Allow me to explain!" Megane said proudly as he clears his throat
"A Tsundere is a serious, mean character in the outside

But inside hides a soft side--"

"Oh... Naruhodo...(I see...)

Then shall I call you Tsundere chan instead?" I asked looking at Natsumi

"KOTOWARU!(I REFUSE!)"she refused

End Of Flashback

"No way!" i said feeling heat rushing up to my cheeks because of how exact it was connecting to me... somehow "NO! I-IT DOESN'T CONNECT OT ME AT ALL!"

"I'm going home, I'll see you guys later!" i said walking away  with this in thought: "Hmph! I'm not a tsundere! never!"

then I realized I missed the turn....

and I looked at the others and Gouenji was the one who noticed that I took a wrong turn

well it was because that happened to me last time... 

him seeing me walk pass the turn, the direction to my place... and laughed awkwardly as he seemed to have sweatdropped

'he's going to Yuuka chan isn't he? He better not be late like usual though!'

time skip

"well... here goes nothing..." i finished changing clothes and started preparing stuff for the training camp

"first... clothes, and stuff I need when i have a bath...

b-but... wait... how about father and Ayumi? if they realize I'm not around... it'll be trouble..." i sighed, standing up and heard footsteps behind me

"I should tell them I'm not going to be sleeping here atleast..."

"Fumiko" i heard a small sharp voice call me over "Father is looking for you" she added

"oh... what great timing..."

"Thanks."  i thanked "well atleast I know he's looking for me instead of forcing me to meet him or what

"Where are you going...?"  she asked wondering as she walked towards me

"Uh... well I'm going to tell father anyways" i mentioned looking at her as I heard fathers steps walking towards  us

"Father!"  i called out walking pass Ayumi as father looks like he's somehow taking care of himself i guess that's a good thing..."Fumi, It's time for your shots. the next one would probably be after 4 months" eh?

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