Chapter 1 - The Prank Gone Wrong?

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The trap was set and all i needed to do now was wait. The bell had gone and Jack had English which was right next to his locker, meaning he would arrive in 2 minutes 47 seconds if my calculations were correct.

2 minutes and 52 seconds later he arrived... I mustn't have include the excess when I did the square root and multiplied by pie and... I'm getting sidetracked. Anyway, I watched carefully as Jack reached for his locker and placed the code in his lock. He opened the locker annnnddd.... nothing happened? WHAT?!? I ran over in distraught wondering where it went wrong when i looked at the locker he unlocked. That wasn't his locker? That was Tyler Farren's locker, his best friend since primary school.

"What's up, hot stuff? Why the confused face?" Jack said, wearing his trademark smirk.

"That's not your locker... Why are you opening that one?" I asked, anxiously glancing at the locker where I place my revenge.

"Nope, but I gave Tyler my Biology book and that's what i've got next so I'm getting it back. Why so concerned about who's lockers who all of a sudden?" Shit he was definitely catching on to my plan... I needed to divert the situation ASAP!

"You forget I'm a prefect, I have to do my job once in a while" It wasn't all false I mean I was a prefect and it was my job to check the halls for trouble.

"Oh yeah? Ok, well I'll see you next period then, Golden Girl" he sauntered off leaving me steaming with anger. My revenge had failed and he had no clue!! I slammed his locker in fury only to make the door fly open, splashing water all over me. I knew what was going to happen next so jumped out of the way before the bag of flour was flung from his locker.

Shit, I was now soaked from head to toe, dripping with water with no spare clothes. I looked down to see my top which was now transparent, showing off my black lace bra, and my skirt stuck to my skin, showing every curve of my body and every detail of my lace underwear... 'This isn't too bad' I thought and strutted off to next period, smirking about what I was about to do.


I arrive at class 5 minutes late and all eyes turn to look at me. The girls eyes fill with a burning fire of jealousy while the boys eyes turn dark with what's probably lust judging by the mountain growing down you know where ;) I glanced over the class and my eyes suddenly lock with Jacks. We just stare and each other for a couple seconds too long. Soon I am rushed back to reality and the teacher coughs to get my attention, a displeased look on her face.

"Sorry Miss Briggs," I smirk, glancing once more at Jack, "Some boys threw a bucket on me and I don't have any spare clothes, I hope you don't mind" I instantly turn on my innocence act, hoping she wouldn't see through the masquerade I was putting on.

"Oh sweetie it's alright, why don't you go to the changing rooms and dry off a bit" Bingo, just the response I was looking for.

"Thank you Miss!" I turn around, not before winking at Jack with a smirk, and strut out of the classroom, making sure my assets are fully noticed by the boys.

As I left, I faintly heard a familiar voice speak up to Miss Briggs, "Miss, can I please be excused to the toilet?"


Sooooo how was that for Chapter One? I wonder who asked to be excused? Why it it relevant in the story anyway? You'll just have to wait till next time to find out :))))

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2018 ⏰

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