The end?!?!

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I tried as hard to avoid Draco as possible. I wanted to stay friends with Harry and Ron so much but as long as I was with Draco it was highly impossible for us to be friends. I decided to write a note for Draco, to give to him next time I saw him,

Dear Draco,

I don't think we should be together anymore, It's not the best idea for us to be together anymore, It's to dangerous for us, we may be seen together. Especially as I'm a Gryffindor and your a Slytherin, the rivalry between are houses makes it difficult.

Hope you understand



I sat once again in the library studying for my end of year tests. I felt two hands on my shoulder, I grabbed my books and bag, handed Draco the note, and ran of towards the dormantry. I could here faintly behind me, ''I HATE YOU, YOU MOODBLOOD!'' I ran away screaming and crying.

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