you text the wrong boy ♡

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U ~ can I rant babe? I feel like I need to clear my head
Nick ~ I mean I'm not Brandon but you can talk to me
U ~ my fault nick
Nick ~ its okay, do you still need to rant?
U ~ yeah

U ~ Eddy baby can you bring me pads and chocolate?
Zion ~ i beg your pardon?
U ~ sorry Z wrong guy
Zion ~ I can tell him if you want
U ~ thanks

U ~ where's the f*cking remote. I swear to god if you don't answer the phone I'm going to kick your ass
Edwin ~ this is Eddy
U ~ I apologize ed. I'm just looking for the remote
Edwin ~ please don't kick his ass it's in the couch
U ~ thanks

U ~ Nicholas, I'm horny and frustrated. Can you make me feel better
Brandon ~ 😬
U ~ oh I'm sorry Brandon 🤦‍♀️
Brandon ~ it's totally fine. Just check who you're texting next time
U ~ yeah. I'll do that. Sorry I'm frustrated.
B ~ and that

U ~ come home, I want to cuddle
Austin ~ sorry (your name), I like you as a sister and I don't think Zion would approve this
U ~ my fault Austin, I thought I was texting Zion...hope this doesn't make anything weird
Austin: no it's totally fine.

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