A Sky Full of Stars

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It's late. It's snowy. And cold. We've been driving for hours, I've actually lost count. I've been driving most of the way, she's been tired lately. She's lying in the back seat now with a giant navy blue blanket tucked up to her neck, but no matter how high I turn up the heat, I can hear her teeth clattering over the music. "A Sky Full of Stars" hums lightly as I drive, the long winding road ahead of me only reminding me of how far we still have to go. We've been driving in the country for at least a full day, so the sky is dulled of city lights. But residing in the sky, the stars look as if I could reach out and grab one, and then give it to her. Maybe she'd feel a little better if I could. Looking above, my vision is illuminated by blues and purples and pinks that contrast each other to appear as if the sun is rising and setting at the same time under the guidance of the stars. She'd love this, but it would be a crime to wake her when she has such trouble evading nightmares as it is. For now, I'll let her sleep.

The weariness of constant driving and alertness is finally starting to catch up to me and I find myself yawning rather uncontrollably. I'll have to take a rest soon, but I'd rather get closer to the next city before I do that. I want to turn on some more motivating music, but I don't want to lull her into a nightmare or waking up, so I just turn the radio off all together. But, at some point I start to realize that I can't take it anymore. I can see that there's a rest stop just a few miles away, and I'll pull there for the night, or morning rather. Just as I'm reaching the station and my limit of awareness, she starts to shuffle in the back. I initially just assume she's woken up after a rather long rest, but come to find that she's stirring and sweating, even though she's still shivering. I pull into the lot. She's starting to murmur things that I can't make out. I find a parking space, which is easy, because the place is deserted. Now she getting louder and more disturbed, I get out of the car and into the back as quickly as I can. I lift her newly frail body into my arms and circle soothing motions across her skin, which is covered in goose bumps. She's out pretty heavy. I shush her and speak reassuring words, and gradually, she begins to relax and fall into a more sound sleep. That was exhausting, and kind of nerve wrecking, but I managed to calm her, which is all that matters. I know that once I turn the car off, the temperature will begin to plummet, but I'll make sure I keep her warm. I lean back, and sort of drape her body across my lap, so she's comfortably nestled into my warmth, and I can rely on hers and the blanket's as I finally get some well needed rest. "Thank you," she whispers into my chest as I lay caressing her hair.

"I love you." I say as if it serves the same purpose as saying "you're welcome".

"Mmm.. I know." She laughs slightly. I chuckle and squeeze her to me with a kiss on the forehead. No more shivers.

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