Part 2

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Hey guys! This part is going to be a bit shorter as I just want to make clear that (spoiler alert) the only boy on Cyrus his mind is Jonah right now. Also i have a question(not that i expect an answer with the amount of people reading this haha) do you prefer shorter parts(longer than this one) but more or bigger parts but less often? Enjoy!


Cyrus pov:

I really enjoyed my time on the swing. Tj is not as scary as I thought.He probably just acts that way when there are others around. Maybe I should ask him for my bash mitzvah? Or is it strange to ask someone you just met? I mean he got me a muffin that means something right? I will ask Buffy if she's okay with it. But back to the more important things in life. Jonah Beck. I still have to make those videos but I just can't. It wasn't the best idea to ask Jonah to help me either. I mean he is the hottest boy on earth and I would be nervous enough about making these videos without him. He is just to docious magocious to put it in his own words. I am near the school when I get the best idea I ever had in my life. I let Jonah be in front of the camera while I film him. Yes you're really smart sometimes Cyrus Goodman! I think to myself. If he agrees I can look at him for a long time without having to make an excuse and maybe just maybe I can snatch the movies so I can always look at his cute dimples when he smiles. This is so perfect. I hope he agrees.

Frisbees, Swings and Baby Taters -Jyrus & TyrusWhere stories live. Discover now