How do I get rid of ghost from my home?
There’s no doubt about the fact that spirits can invade your home like mice, fleas, or cockroaches. These aforementioned pets come into your home because they need food and shelter. You can be assured that spirits enter because there is some form of energy which draws them to your home. So if you’ve had a home spirit invasion, you need to check out the spiritual condition of your home, and change any negative energy which may have drawn them to your home. If you are a Christian, one way you can do this is by filling your home with praise and worship music and active prayers of worship and thanksgiving. The basic approach here however, is to cast any spirit out of your home in the name of Jesus.
If you are not Christian, you may be tempted to go to a spirtist group, or ghost hunting group, or occult group to deal with your ghost problem. The more scientific of these groups may simply document the existence of a ghost in your home which can give you some relief mentally; but very often they can’t do anything about getting them out or keeping them out.
Also, A very real problem is that an occult or spiritist group may actually make the situation worse by attracting more spirits to your home. If you do invite a ghost hunting group into your home make sure it is a Christian-based group and that they understand the power and authority of Christ and that they will not tolerate interference of a spirit in your life. By far the best solution for non- Christians is to find a Christian Church which is Spirit filled and which can come to your home to conduct a “House blessing” The fact that you recognize that spirits exist means you should so something about your own spiritual condition and your “Spiritual” house may need first salvation and then deliverance.