Part Two: Next Phase

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It has been quite sometime since I became the new Phoenix. My outfit is completely different now. I don't know how or what, but I like it. As I spent days on end learning these new powers, I became used to it. The flames don't hurt me anymore. My body has become used to it. The heat I felt when I first got them,

I don't know what the phases are, but I was informed there are three. Wonder what the second phase is like. Hope nothing bad.

As we fought in Meridian, we took on Phobos's guards and his army of monsters. I took them down single handed and the guardians watched me as I did it.

Irma: How did you do that?

"I have no idea. But I stopped them right?"

Taranee: I think you're going overboard with this Phoenix thing.

"What are you talking about?"

Taranee: Well for starters you're fighting without us even if we're right here. You shouldn't take advantage of it. It could be dangerous.

"Dangerous?  I don't find it dangerous at all!!"

Cornelia: She's right Will. You're raising limits as the Phoenix but you could get yourself killed.

"I'll only rise again. Through the ashes and be the Phoenix I am meant to be."

I noticed that tone I spoke in. What is happening to me? Was that me or the Phoenix talking?  I held my head as I stood there and I could everyone's thoughts. It was driving me crazy.  But I had to see for myself. What was the next phase of the phoenix?

Taranee: Will? Are you okay?-Reaches over to touch my shoulder and moves away-

"I'll be fine. We better get back to Earth. I'll have to see what happens."

Hay Lin: But Will--

"But nothing!!"

I felt lightning strike behind me from my rage as I stood there. They all flinched after hearing the thunder in the sky. What was happening to me?!!


As days went by and I started going through changes as it went on. When me and the guardians went to practice our powers at Shell Beach, just outside Heatherfield, I felt the changes coming. Burning me up inside and I knew something was going to happen. Was this the next phase?

Taranee: Will? Are you okay?

Taranee is my best friend even though she's a year younger than me, but she looks out for me. I may have four best friends, but she's the one I am close to. When I am in Gotham, we still talk through Skype.

Then, that's when I felt it in my gut. My mind was on fire, it was---

"Hear me guardians!! I am fire made flesh and life incarnate!! I am Phoenix!!"

My costume changed to red and gold now. The guardians looked at me as I rose in the air and unleashed a fire bird behind me. They all flew toward me to try and stop me, but I blasted at them and they fell onto the ground. I started laughing as I threw lightning at them. Was this the next phase I heard so much about?  I hate it but like it at the same time.

"We part ways now guardians. I shall see you again soon. I am needed among the stars!  I plan to go to Meridian and Kandrakar. And other worlds beyond that. I will be invincible!! I am Phoenix!!"

Taranee: {Will!! I know you're in there!! Fight it!!}

That was Taranee. We were telepaths and I could hear her. I tried to fight it. But the Dark Phoenix took over me. Regaining control and I flew off into the air and through a portal.  I headed to Meridian and caused destruction at Phobos's castle. I left the guardians hanging back on Earth. Things are changing and I must go with it.

Phobos: Stop That witch now!!

"Ohhh Phobos? We have a lot to accomplish. Your end meets here."

Phobos: What if we discuss something? I could offer you something more. I could use someone like you.

"......I'm listening."

The Phoenix is doing the talking . She's in control of my body and mind. I couldn't stop her, I---


Phobos: You haven't heard my offer, guardian. I could use you at my side.

"And why would I join you? "

Phobos: How about it?

"Hmmm. Such an offer. But it would ruin my plans."

I shot a flame at him and he fell to his knees in pain holding his side. I walked over and picked up a sword nearby. I went over toward him and raised it in the air, I was stopped by Vathek, one of the Meridian guards and also a double agent of the rebellion. He works in the shadows and also carries information about what Phobos planned.

Vathek: Stop it at once!!

"You made a terrible mistake......"

My eyes glowed and I took on him as I threw him down. The other guardians showed up with Elyon and Caleb.

Irma: You haven't beaten us yet!! Water!!-Shoots a blast of water at Will-

I took the shot and fell backward. Cornelia used vines to hold me down and Taranee tried to absorb the heat from me but had no luck.

Taranee: Why isn't it working??

"Please!  Destroy me before she awakens, I....--Too late!! Your precious Will Vandom is now useless!!"

I broke free and hovered above the ground and formed lightning in my hands.

Hay Lin:-Uses wind to knock Will down against the wall-

I took the attack and I hit the wall. Elyon tried using a technique to make me fall and somehow it didn't work. I walked toward them and Caleb hits me in the head with a hard weapon. I took the hit and fell down.

Caleb: Quick! While she's down. We can---

Irma: Caleb?-Points at Will.-

"You can stop me? Think again. I'll make you all pay. I am the Phoenix!! The Dark Phoenix!!"

I then got up still feeling pain, and flew through a portal leaving the others behind.

Irma: Where is she going??

Taranee: I know. Home. In Heatherfield.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2018 ⏰

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