what just happened

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destiny pov


so me and everyone else (prod,prince,and roc) was walking over to rays house to just hang out but as soon as we got there we saw a sight we didn't want to see yn and ray hugging and crying there eyes out and as soon as ray saw us he got yn and ran out the house

flashback over

we was standing in the door way calling them trying to get them to come back but they didn't and when they moms called them they only ran faster then they was out of sight

prod-ok what just happened ……

me-im not even sure ……uh miss.Lopez what's happening

keisha-'well we sorta kinda told them they need space from each other and well long story short yn lives here now and they have mixed emotions for each other

prod-what is wrong with y'all don't u know they really love each other and yet u tried to split them up

chres-yeah don't y'all feel stupied right about know

keisha-oh yeah ym GET OUT before I call the cops on u

ym-whatever keisha (ym left)

8 hrs later

des-i just hope they r alright

prod-me too bunches but its there life and we can't enter fear

I signed

me-i miss yn  

end of pov

ray pov

so me and yn got a hotel room and went to sleep cuz we been running for a few hours now but its all good we got a lot of money  and right now its ten o'clock and we watching the Hobbit and i was hugging her real tight and never letting her go ……i know what y'all r thinking y we run out because it was much tension and I needed to be alone with my love for a while . when I was thinking about today yn asked me the most Important question ever……

yn-ray……… do u love me?

I was stunned that she asked that so I replied

me-yn u know I can't live without u …u r my heart my life and soul and I need u or I would be so lost without u and (I started tearing up) I want to be together forever and ever

yn smiled wide and kissed me then we went to sleep

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