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"Oh my God!" "Holy crap." "What happened?" Those are the kind of things I'm hearing right now. You may be wondering why I'm hearing these things. Or maybe you're thinking about all the possibilities of what could've went down here on Forest Drive in Chicago, Illinois.
Well here's the answer. I was hit by a semi truck while I was driving to meet up with my family for summer break. No, I don't know where I am at for the moment. Actually, now that I think about it, I can't even see. Oh my goodness! Am I blind? Or am I in heaven?
No. No, it can't be real. I'm not dead. I'm dying, but not dead. All of a sudden I can see myself in a white light. It's not a room, it's just... well it's just empty. Like a blank canvas that waits to be colored, like the ones at my art school.
I hear different people now. They sound like they're talking to another person in the room. That's when I hear my mother's voice. She sounds so sad, like someone has died. I knew it could've been me. Right? No, I can hear my heart beating from the heart monitor.
When the doctor said I was in a coma my heart stopped. Not literally, but figuratively. I've heard stories of comas, it never ends well. They usually never manage to wakeup from it. Now I understand why mother was crying. I was dying. And so I gave up.

The End

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