Part 13

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Jungkook's POV
While we were walking to the car, I was trying to support Taehyung as best as I could but I could see that he was gritting his teeth in pain. I hated seeing this.

I turned to face him only inches apart. He looked up at me. I gently touched my body to his and lifted up one of his beautiful thighs to my waist and he automatically lifted up onto me.

I could tell he was exhausted still from the effects of the relaxer. He wrapped his slender arms around my neck and pressed onto me while putting his cheek on my shoulder. This is so freakin cute. He's such a tired baby...

I walk up and around to his side of my car and wrap my left arm around his waist to prop him up while opening the door. I gently place him onto the seat, close the door, and walk around to my side.

Shortly after we leave the parking lot, I ask him, "What is your address?" response.
I look to my side and he is completely out. Well... how am I gonna get him home?

The only other home i know around here is mine. Well~ guess we are going home! After a few minutes of driving and taehyung's soft snores, we arrive at my apartment.

I know that he's going to curse at me and get mad if I wake him up so I just look at him- hoping he will wake up from the change in motion. Nothing.

That jawline tho...

I get out of the car and walk to the other side and open the door. I pick Tae up by his gorgeous thighs and he groggily complies by wrapping himself around me and continues to sleep. This boi.

We take the elevator up to the 5th floor apartment of mine and I unlock the door. I place him onto my king size bed and gingerly tuck him in. He looks at peace and at the same time is so freakin hot.

Doctor Jeon~ TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now