Mission Accomplished

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Mission completed:Pass the depression stage

If you're depressed, you don't notice all the beauty you have and everything you have!

Seriously you don't notice all the good things you have. I've been there but I noticed everybody that supports me:My family,my actual friends,my teachers, even my principle supports me at times. Me being depressed was just me being selfish and ignoring their support. Don't feel bad!

Beat that depression stage look at all the support and beauty you have! You are special. Embrace it.

Support others in need

Help people through depression

It's starting to be a big thing nowdays...

Don't just let depression beat you.. you beat depression

If you end up wanting to kill yourself don't! You have so much potential! You matter!

I know this came outta nowhere but depression is a serious thing and it's happened to the people I love...

so please appreciate what you have at the moment and help others

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