Josh imagine for Jennevieve(JennyluvsTomParker)

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A/N: This one contains self-harm so if your uncomfortable with that topic then please don't read this one. And if anyone ever needs to talk about something like this or just in general, then I'm right here❤️

You threw your phone down in anger. How can people be so horrible and judgemental? Lately you had been receiving a lot of hate from fans on twitter and it's getting worse day by day. Josh knew himself that some of the fans were horrible to you because he sees it himself on twitter, but he doesn't see how bad it actually is.

Tears were streaming down your face as you searched for your hidden box which contained a blade. Soon you found it, so you went to the bathroom and shut the door, forgetting to lock it. Josh was at the recording studio and he won't be home for a few hours. You've done this a few times before but he doesn't know. You dot want him to know, it would crush him and you don't want to see him hurt because that's the way love is.

You removed your hoodie so you were in a tshirt that showed your bare arms. You took the blade to your arm and made a few cuts.
"Jennevieve, I'm home darling" you heard Josh shout, making his way upstairs. What?! He's not supposed to be home for at least 3 hours??! You began to panick. You chucked the blade in the box and hide it in the bathroom cabinet quickly, you'd deal with it later. You quickly grabbed the towel and pressed it to your arm to wipe excess blood before chucking on your light grey hoodie. Just then Josh walked in,
"Oh hey babe, we finished quite early today" He said, hugging you.
"Oh erm okay" you said
"Is everything okay?" he said, holding your hands
"Yeah" you said, looking up at him. He looked down at your arm and the colour in his face drained.
"W-whats t-that?" He said referring to your arm. You looked down to see that the blood had gone through your hoodie, showing lots of red lines. You mumbled curses under your breath.
"I'm-I'm sorry it's just the hate I get on twitter, it just gets too much sometimes" you say as tears fall from your eyes. He began to cry aswell and this broke your heart.
"Please stop darling? I'm here for you no matter what, okay? We can get through this together, I love you so much beautiful" he said, kissing you gently. You smiled into the kiss before pulling away,
"Thank you so much, I love you so much Josh, I'll stop for you"
He smiled before saying, "Let's start by flushing your blade then?"
"Okay" You say, taking the box out the cabinet and throwing it down the toilet before flushing. Josh hugged you from behind and kissed your temple,
"I'm so proud of you Jennevieve" You smiled, knowing everything was going to be okay with him by your side.

A/N: Hope you like it! Please comment and vote! And if you want one then message me on this or comment! Stay beautiful!:)xox

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2014 ⏰

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