💙🖤Dont Touch That, My Love~🖤💙

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Sans fell asleep on you after about a half hour. You noticed it never really gets dark or light outside, so a day could be depicted by anyone when they wanted to sleep or when they wanted to wake up. But time still ran through wherever you were. There was a clock in the kitchen, but the time was useless to you.

You are able to pick up the small skeleton any style you want. Bridal style, potato sack style, child style. You decide to go with bridal because you can see his adorable little face as he sleeps. So peaceful! 

As you walk up the stairs with Sans in your arms, another memory flashes into your mind. The same oranges hoodied skeleton known as Papyurs to you makes another presence in your conscious.

"Geez, you're giving me a workout honey. Can't you judt walk up the stairs?"

"But Pappy! I want you to carry me!"

"Alright, Alright. But that means we sleep in tonight, deal?"



"Fine, Deal. But we still aren't sleeping until noon! That's just wasteful!"

"Nyeh heh, of course Honey. Eleven fifty nine sounds perfect."


You laugh a little bit at the moment. It was adorable in the least. You hardly realize you were in front of one of two rooms already. You could tell which one was Sans's because he had a giant name plate thingy on the door. You managed to open it with the sleeping skeleton in your arms.

The room was adorable and just how a child's would be. Action figure table, race car bed, posters of his hero. This was a little boy stuck as a skeleton man. A tiny skeleton man. You giggle at the adorableness of the place around you.

You place sans on the bed and tuck him in like a mother would. You kiss his forehead causing his little skeleton grin to grow wider in his sleep. How cute. You place blankets all over him and turn around to leave. Your eye catches on to something.

His closet was left wide open and it seemed super messy. That struck you as odd, cos dieting every single thing in this House was kept meat and tidy. It was a small detail tounnoticed about Sans, thinking he may be a neat freak. You decide to investigate.

You lifted the pile of things to see an orange hoodie, nice and folded underneath everything. The orange hoodie you often saw Papyrus wear in your memories that flashed before you like visions. Seriosuly you needed to learn how those work! But now now. Right now, the hoodie had your full attention. It was like the beacon for the Cy-Bugs in a human movie called Wreck-it-Ralph. You were so focused on it, you didn't notice Sans sit up in his bed.

Sans woke up after the kiss. He treasured that small kiss on his Forehead. But he heard you shuffling through his closet, soemthing you definately shouldn't be doing. He stood up and saw you pry the hoodie out from everything, staring at it. 

His soul felt crushed. He told you to forget about him, yet you go through the trouble of picking out his sweatshirt from underneath the mess in his closet? Maybe he should have closed the door... did you not love him like you claimed you did? If so sans doesn't like liars.

"I told you to forget about him, My Love."

You turn back to him, sitting up. His pupils were... where were they? No magic pupils were in hsi eyescokets. You couldn't tell his emotions by looking at them. What you could tell, however, was he was absolutely ferociously mad. You look back down at the hoodie.

"It's just a hoodie, Sansy. I don't get why you're worried about it."

Big mistake. Sans stood up and slipped off the bed. He walked up to you and snatched the hoodie from you. You started to get worried. You started to get terrified. His motions were ridged and he was becoming terrifying, as if he was going to murder you on the spot.

"Don't touch this, My Love. Don't go near this or anything else that could possibly remind you of the time horrible tall skeleton. You don't want to remember him."

His voice was almost a growl. Surprising coming from Sans of all people. He looked at the hoodie himself, almost examining his own memories of it, before walking out of the room. You stand there, frozen for a second before you try to leave too. You have to talk to Sans, right? YOu have to make his better, right? He loves you and You love him, right?

The door is locked.

Wait. Did Sans lock you in his room!? Wait, why would he do such a thing? Was this punishment for saying what you did? Was this punishment for taking the hoodie? Whatever it is, it crushed you. You started banging on the door.


You didn't want to be locked away someplace. Even if his room was brighter Andy had things to do and you weren't chained to anything, the thought of not being able to leave somehwere absolutely terrified you. It scarred you. You couldn't be locked away again.


You were screaming as loud as you could, praying that Sans would hear you, pity you, and let you out. That he would open the door and jump into your arms, ready for a large hug of forgiveness for what you though could ruin your "relationship" with Sans.

Sans heard you, but he didn't give any bothers. At least, not u til he did what had to be done. He shouldn't have saved the hoodie. It should have burned with everything else. He was heading that way right now, to burn the hoodie. It was sad that he could hear you from all the way outside the house. 

It's a shame, if only you just Did what he told you to do.

1013 Words

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