Good Morning!

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(A/N: Ni-chan? Ogenkidesu ka? 😵💨Stop that pouting and you'll make a u know? Like a bad air...✌)

The night was spent unbelievably okay and when the morning came it is unbelievably eventful.

Kirino dashes to and fro a huge bedroom for two, from her closet to the bathroom as if trying something that'll fit the soon beginning occasion.

"Takuto! Wake up!"

She said while struggling in the preparations. Shindou on the other hand giggled in his deep sleep ignoring the angry voice of his wife with snores.

After long minutes of arguing an idea popped up her head, Kirino then grab shindou's back to face her now sitting in her front.

Shindou slowly opened his eyes a little revealing slowly the pinknette's face, he view her azure eyes more and more with a gentle smile forming his lips.


He whispered making Kirino blush furiously and squirm regarding his next action.

Shindou Takuto, smiled at her one last time when he pulled her closer into a deep yet sweet and passionate kiss. Then he laugh after breaking apart just by watching how Kirino looks nervous by his moves.

Shindou got up and assist her to move on for the soon event. He searched for his clothes and ran to the opened bathroom.

Kirino stared as if spacing out while tracing her reddish lips remembering how Shindou started his day.

"I'm not an energizer!"

Kirino pouted making her twintails flew up and down.

"Well you make me whole..."

Shindou respond quickly while facing the mirror and tying his neck tie.

He giggled after watching Kirino melt over and over in embarassment.

Kirino X Shindou One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now