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After that small encouter Park Jimin had with Min Yoongi things only started to go downhill.
See, there is one small detail he may have left out, Jimin is allergic to sunlight. So he doesn't show up to school like any other student would in the summer, instead he shows up in all black with a mask covering his mouth, dark suglasses that sit on the bridge of his nose, long-sleeved jumper with a few band signs making the apperance every once and a while, his small gloves covering his small hands and skinny jeans not daring to have rips on them.
He hates the attention he recives, he wishes he could just be normal for a day. he wishes he could just have boring friends with boring conversations and a boring plain life, one where he isnt tormented everyday for something he cant even control. they always seem to pick on the way he dresses, because it isn't normal enough.
Right now jimin is walking down the main hall of the school, trying his hardest to not let the insults he hears affect him. When he reaches the end of the hall he turns left and reaches his locker, he put in his code 6969 (dont ask) grabbing his books for the first few classes.
The pink-haired male stood for a minute skipping through songs until he found one he liked and thats when he appeared. Someones hand slammed against the locker right next to jimins causing the younger to jump and turn around instantly, only to be greeted by the one and only, Min Yoongi.
"Why do you always wear so much layers in the summer?" Tracing his finger on Jimins jawline harshly, while Jimin put up no fight to stop him.
Its when Yoongi started to expose jimins skin, that he decided to fight back, it started with a small push trying to get away from yoongi.
"Please stop, you're wasting your time." Jimin said as he struggled to get past yoongis arms that were still placed at each side beside him.
"Did you just, shove me?" Yoongi asked.
Jimin was too scared to respond so he just stayed quiet, looking at a patch of the ground somehow hoping he could escape if he gave all of his attention to the floor, but that's not how yoongi works.
The group of people that were placed behind Yoongi were now paying their full attention to the situation instead of gossiping.
"Taehyung, it's your turn." Yoongi said but not before eyeing Jimin up and down.
In response to yoongi's commands, a boy with bright red hair appeared. He wore a pissed expression, his eyes narrowing as he looked at small Male in front of him.
Jimin looked him pity lacing through the fear in his eyes, it was obvious this boy was broken to him. You could tell the sadness from a mile away.
That's when said-male slapped the boy, instantly taking him out of his thoughts. A small 'ow' escaped his lips and he pressed his clothed hand onto his cheek underneath the mask.
The redhead then punched the Smallers stomach making him fall to the ground.
"Don't fight back, idiot." Was the last words the Male said before walking away.
YO YO YO YOUR FAV GAY IS BACK ;) I'm sorry I kind of took a while to update(?) I've just been really stressed over exams and people jdjdjd But I hope you enjoyed the update :)) If there are any grammar mistakes please say ty bye! 👋💗💗 (Not edited)