ᴊᴜɴɢᴋᴏᴏᴋ's ʙᴀɢ

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"Daddy can you teach me how to swim?", the little bunny faced toddler asked. "Ah sure Kookie, right when we get to the hotel pool".

The younger jumped around out of excitement as he hugged his bunny plush.

"Now go pack up with Seokjin", he smiled.

"Owkay!", he ran up the white marble stairs to his sparkly bedroom. "Ah kookie we need to pack up your stuff", Jin said as he pointed to him.

"Yuh", he mumbled with a smile.


"Kookie did we ever buy you a bag? Like a suitcase", the elder asked with a confused look.

"What's that?"

"So no... Go get dressed were going shopping"

"YAY!", he shouted out of excitement as he changed into a lil white shirt with a bunny on it and pink sweatpants.


"Are we going to the mall", Jungkook asked as Jin was driving the car genuinely fit for 7.

"Yes little kookie", he chuckled as he stopped at the parking lot. He then opened up the car door and got Jungkook out of his seat.

"Where now?"

"Get on my back kookie", without hesitation he jumped on the elders back.

"Ah so strong, just like your dads", he chuckled as he locked the car. "Now let's go to the store"

They then proceeded to walk up the escalators until they were on the right floor.

"We're here", Jin informed as he put Jungkook on his feet while pointing at a rather colorful store. Jungkook followed him in, avoiding comments about how cute he was from the workers.

"Which suitcase kookie?", he pointed a wall filled with options. Jungkook was filled with wonder as he stared at the verity until he saw the one.

"That one.", he gestured to a bunny suitcase similar to the one on his shirt.

"Of course", he gave a slight chuckle as he went to pay for it. Leaving the toddler to wonder around for a few minutes.

He walked around the store looking at plushies and clothes to his liking.

A hand suddenly fell on his shoulder and he felt someone going to his ear.

"Let's get going little kookie", this was a relief to the little one as they walked down to the car.


"Was shopping a success?", Yoongi said gesturing at his broken glasses.

"OM I'M SORRY YOONGI I FORGOT", Jin confessed as he set a sleeping cookie on the sofa. "Let's go now, at?"

"Fine", Yoongi mumbled.

"Honey me and Yoongi are leaving for a bit!"

"Okay Jin.. Don't stay out to long. V is hungry and asleep for now. You know I can't cook -"

No response but a slammed door.

"Wha-", he was cut off by someone pulling on his pants. V...


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