Chapter 5

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(Sorry. Didn't mean to publish early.)
Moose's POV

I was silent. I didn't want to say anything. Everyone was watching me.

I sat on my bed in Shark's apartment. Ryan sat beside me with his head on my shoulder, and Jay sat on my other side. He kept glancing at me worried, but I didn't say anything. Shark and Colleen were sitting on a small couch in the corner. Sabre was leaning against the wall silent. He seemed the only one comfortable with the silence beside me and Ryan. We sat in silence for a while before Jay broke the silence.
"Moose." He started "I need to check your wounds. I saw your arm and leg get cut. I don't know how your even still walking."

I stiffened. He couldn't. He would figure it out. I moved slightly away from him but stopped when I saw his face twist in sadness for a second. It was gone almost instantly but i still saw it.

I looked down and murmured "please don't. I can do it myself."

Shark paused and said "why do you know how to bandage yourself up?"

I tensed up even more and looked away. Ryan hugged me and glanced at Shark before saying "he... didn't have a... good home-life. Don't ask questions."

I saw Shark pause and get a sad look on his face, but he nodded.

I saw Sabre shift and say "I can b-b-bandage you up if you want any help. If you don't, I completely understand. B-b-b-but if you need help. I'm here."

I kinda stared at him and chuckled a little. "I think your voice box needs my help Sabre." I glanced around "can you guys leave so I can bandage myself up and fix Sabre's voicebox?"

Everyone nodded, and I glanced at Ryan. Ryan nodded. He would manufacture a semi-pg version of our childhood and what happened to him.

Everyone left the room except me and Sabre, and I heard the door click shut.
"Whew. Let's see Sabre."

I opened his neck and stopped. "Did Jay do this?"

"Yeah. It's b-b-better than what I had."

"Well this would be a better fit on me that you bud, but I can fix it. I just need to fix your B's. Hold on."

Jay's POV

I was walking to the bathroom when I heard something from the room everyone had just vacated. I paused and heard

"Did Jay do this?"

"Yeah. It's b-b-better than what I had."

"Well this would be a better fit on me than you bud, but I can fix it. I just need to fix your B's. Hold on."

I continued walking before someone came and saw me listening. What was that about? Sabre's voice box fitting more on Moose, but Moose is human! He wouldn't have a mechanical voice box!

I got back out to the front and saw this 'Ryan' guy leaning against the wall. He saw me and smiled at me. "Thank you for taking care of Moose as he got older Jay." He said.

I was nodded, a bit confused. "Of course, but why did you feel the need to say that?"

He smiled sadly. "As you saw I was stuck in an animatronic. And well, George-or Moose's- dad did it." Everyone tensed. "Of course George was devastated when it happened. His only friends killed by his own father to satisfy his own killing nature. And George's brother was all for whatever hurt him. His sister however," he smiled sadly. "She was amazing. Kind, smart, loyal, and curious. Eventually it was her curiosity that got her killed. As you saw when George broke out in tears outside of the Pizzeria his sister was killed there."

He looked away quickly wiping away tears.

"Her own fathers creation killed her. He was devastated by that, and starting beating George up to change his sadness into anger he could take out on the 'weakling' of the house. A while after I was killed a certain," he hesitated then said "'source' told me about how George's father had lost his rights to George after someone called CPS when hearing screeches Of pain from inside the house. He went into foster care until your family adopted him, Jay. I don't really know anything else."

We were all frozen in shock. Wow. Moose had a messed up life. But there was another question o needed to ask. "Why did Moose change his name to Moose when it was originally George?"

Ryan sighed sadly. "George is associated with his father. He changed to Moose some time after we got killed. I don't know why he hasn't asked me to stop calling him George yet."

"Cause with you I know it's not him."

We all jumped and twisted around to see Moose and Sabre standing in the doorway. Moose had commented that and looked much more comfortable. He had his leg wrapped and his arm wrapped. One part of his head was also wrapped under his hoodie. He had a black eye and looked tired. He honestly looked like he had gotten out of a school yard fight.

"Moose!" I jumped up. "I-I hope you didn't mind that we asked about you-"

"Dude." Moose stared at me. "Do you really hunk I would get mad over a little thing like that?" He laughed. "Idiot."



We started bickering back and forth and I saw Shark, Sabre, and Colleen laughing.

I saw Goldie come In and nodded. He smirked and walked over. Moose tensed and turned around just in time for Goldie to throw salt at him.

Moose shrieked. "NO! NOT THE SALT! TAKE THE MOOSE MILK! TASTE THE MOOSEMILK SALTIE GOLDIE! TASTE IT!" They started chasing each other around the house throwing moosemilk and salt at each other.

Everyone was laughing and everyone felt safe.

I watched as everyone in the house laughed and had fun. That wouldn't last for long. We had a new animatronic willing to join us. He just wanted to get back at the new Pawn. What was his name?... ah yes. Sabre. Well, after he's Of no use I'll give his to the second Chipper. But Moose... or George as I knew him... well, I'm keeping him. Him and Jay. But I'll make him be a slave to keep Jay safe... yes. After the eventuality where this 'Sabre' fails us, I'll just take the two 'brothers' that will be fun...

I left the shadows and started walking. I needed to take this information to father. He would know what to do to get done what needs to be done.

Hey guys! So I hope you liked this! I worked hard on this and finished in in 1 day. Go check out KassandraFong  and her new book about a crossover between Sabres Steve Saga and Sharks Steve's. CYA PEOPLES AND HAVE AN AMAZING DAY/NIGHT

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