Chapter 1 [Pilot]

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Barton put one foot in front of another, hands stuffed deep into the pockets of his jacket from the cool weather around him. No, he wasn't scared. Of course this is the place she would pick to lay low.

Dark alleyways.

Cool streets.

Constant rain.

If Adina's personality could be an environment, this would be it.

Between the two of them, the two SHIELD agents decided to lay low during the downfall of their agency. The captain and the Widow seemed to have it covered, so stressing about it wasn't exactly their job at the time being.

Instead, they focused on themselves, laying low, and staying away from the others.

Clint had been managing to keep tabs on everyone who had a hit out for Addie- and he had been warning her periodically. They would meet up every now and again, their exchanges short and sweet.

He was the only one that she allowed to know of her where about. Why? Because his lazy ass wouldn't come looking for her unless there was no other options.

The corridor to the old abandoned warehouse was molded, worn down, and rotting from the constant rain. "You sure know how to pick em, don't you Addie?" He mumbles ripping off the first board that was keeping him from his friend.

One by one, the splinters flew off and in all different directions.

Eventually, as the wood now rested at his feet, Barton sloppily stepped into the dark building and flipped his flashlight on. The place was a complete wreck. Everything was demolished, there was holes from floor to ceiling, and the moon crept in enough to put the scene into the form of a horror movie. "Okay..." Clint called hearing his voice echo around the empty room. "I get it, you're a horror movie fanatic." He stepped over a large fallen beam in front of him. "Never understood why you and Nat liked them so much."

Silence filled the room, but she was here, he could feel it.

"I swear to god Williams, I'm not playing this cat and mouse game."

Above him, Clint heard a chuckle and a whisp of wind. "You bitch." He spun trying to catch her with his flashlight but he wasn't fast enough.

"Come on Cupid." Her breath suddenly travelled down the back of his neck. Turning around as quickly as he could, Clint rolled his eyes seeing nothing but the abandoned warehouse behind him. "We both know you're just not-" following her voice, he tossed and turned trying to catch sight of her. But, it wasn't until she had him pressed against the wall, her hand holding his wrist and the flashlight dropping out of his hand. "-fast enough for me." The glowing blue of her eyes was never something he truly got used to. However, knowing that it was her, he smiled feeling her cold face inches from him.

"Still got the hots for me, don't you Addie?"

In response her dark chuckle shook him to the core. Then, in a teasing manner, she slapped the side of his face playfully and stepped back. "Always have Birdbrain. Always will."

Gathering himself, Clint picked up his light and pointed it towards her. "How long you been in this shithole?"

"What, you don't like it?"

He smiled again. "Not cold blooded like you dear."

"You should try it sometime." She was suddenly up on one of the beams above him. Her body lounged leisurely and her leg dangled back and forth. "It's a lot easier than you warm blooded emotional buggers."

"Yeah well, the rest of the emotional buggers and I need your help."

Adina clicked her tongue and tilted her head. "What, Stark not playing nice with the Spider?"

"She hates that name you know."

Chuckling again, Adina rolled her eyes. "Then why doesn't she tell me herself." Then, looking to the other side of the warehouse, Adina used her powers to point out Natasha who was trying to sneak in on their conversation. "You know I can hear that shriveled up heart beat from a mile away Nat..."

Because of this, Romanoff smiled and stepped into the light. "I'm getting closer."

"Or I'm just getting more generous. Now what do my two favorite agents need exactly?"

"We need you to come in." Natasha cut straight to the point taking Barton's side. "Yesterday, we went after someone a little out of our realm." Adina's curiosity rose. "They used human test subjects to create genetically modified mutants. Two of them went up against us-" she swung her legs over the beam listening. "-and it only took the two for us to lose."

"So what do you need me for? Regroup, replan."

Clint shook his head. "One of them can play with minds-"

Clicking her tongue again, Adina smiled and rubbed her leg. "Well aren't those the worst.."

"You're stronger than her, and we need you there Incase we aren't."

Nodding, Adina let out a breath and stretch out her back. "Okay." Within seconds she had jumped from the ledge and was standing before them. "So where's the others then? Not willing to come say hi? I expected Stark to be game, not going to lie. He's been trying to track me for months."

"They don't know we're here." Clint shook his head. "Figured shouldn't get their hopes up in case you said no."

Smiling, her fingers tampered with one another as she looked towards the now open door to her warehouse. "How can I say no to my favorite agents?"

"How about your friends?" Natasha corrected.

Taking a step towards the door, Adina smiled again. "That too."

"Good. Jet's a few miles from here." Clint motioned taking her side.

Immediately, Adina perked up. "Does that mean I get to-"

"No." Both the widow and the Hawk cut her off.

Nothing had changed between the three. Nat had the community Jacket on, Clint still wore his confident smile towards her, and neither would allow her to fly the jet.

"You know- you two gotta get over that eventually."

Out of habit, Clint seemed to grab his backside. "Yeah, I will as soon as my ass does."

"Speaking of asses-" Adina purred. "How beat was yours when you found out it was a boy Romanoff?"

Rolling her eyes, the Widow sent her friend the finger. "Piss off Adina."

All three started to laugh.

"God I missed you two."

Out of habit, Clint threw his arms around the two women beside him and let out a breath. "We missed you too Addie. We missed you too."

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