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Hi! If anyone cares enough to know who I am, my name's Sohyun. And I am here to talk about the existence of the Status Quo at our School. I know, you might think that it's absurd, but it really does exist in our school, the Yang-Lee Prep High School.

So, let me start with my least favourite people at School, the Queen Bees.

Queen Bees:

A group of girls who are the "leader of the pack" or should I say the whole fan girls who are mostly cheer leaders at our school

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A group of girls who are the "leader of the pack" or should I say the whole fan girls who are mostly cheer leaders at our school. They are the prettiest, and extremely confident, and because they think they're hot, others do too. They know all of the "important" gossip, and people emulate their style. If the queen bees wear something new and different, others wear it the next day. They always have the hottest , and are at all the parties. Everyone always talks behind their back about how much they hate them, even though everyone secretly wishes they were their friend. Hey! It's not like I'm one of those people who want to be friends with them, ok?

Okay, so as what I was saying, these Queenbees are mostly being lead by four girls in our school. There are two girls in my year and two others in senior year. And I'm telling you, the one that scares me the most is Jennie-sunbae. Seriously! She has this aura that would totally turn you into stone if you ever meet her eye-to-eye. Then there's Jisoo-sunbae. I really don't know much about her but I heard that she's the leader of their group but I really can't see why, I mean Jennie-sunbae totally fits that role while she would always just keep quiet every time her friends would do something crazy. Then, the other two girls are Rose and Lisa who are scary as hell too and they would do anything for their throne not to be taken away from them. And oh, both of them are dating. Rose's dating one of the Jocks, while Lisa's dating one of the Artists.

Next, the Brainiacs.


Well, all I can say is that they're are extremely intelligent

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Well, all I can say is that they're are extremely intelligent. If a brainiac were a superhero, their brains would definitely be their secret weapon. They're someone whose lives are dedicated to the accumulation of all the world's knowledge.

Did I already mention that my best friend is one of them? Yep, his name is Jungwoo. He's very studious and wouldn't waste his time on anything else, or maybe not? If Jungwoo would astray from his study group, it would always be because he's stalking the love of his life. You see, my best friend's in love with the one and only Kim Jennie! Uh-huh! That's right, he's insane but still I would always be there for him even if he'll lock himself inside the library to study. Seriously, only brainiacs would go to the library for  fun. Brainiacs are usually becomes the perfect target for picking on by the Jocks. They would always call them names like nerds, etc.

And speaking of Jocks, ugh! How do I even start?


To clear things up, there is a major difference between a jock and athletes

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To clear things up, there is a major difference between a jock and athletes. Jocks tend to abuse their popularity, while the athletes don't really mind who they talk to or with. One particular Jock that I hated the most is Huang Lucas! Do you want for me to elaborate? Okay, here it goes.

Signs of Huang Lucas being the worst jock ever: Rude, arrogant, stupid, beats up people, dates only cheerleaders and hangs around other jocks.

Arguably, he's the most hated, yet loved typical High-School heartthrob and to make the long story short, he's just a dumb jock for me.

But not all jocks are dumb, Jaehyun and Yuta-sunbae for example. The two of them are quite okay compare to Lucas. At least those two are nice towards girls, especially to the girls that they like. Jaehyun is dating Rose while Yuta-sunbae likes Jisoo-sunbae but for some reason, Jisoo-sunbae doesn't really responds to Yuta-sunbae's love calling.

Anyway, Jocks are just athletes who are convinced that their athletic skill help them exceed in life, where in the real world, they end up bagging groceries, or working at a used Car Dealership. Hmf! Okay, let's move on! I don't want to talk about them anymore. What I really wanted to talk about are the Artists! Ahhh! Just thinking about them already makes me giddy. Kekeke


Artists are a group of students having superior skill or ability, or who are capable of producing superior work

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Artists are a group of students having superior skill or ability, or who are capable of producing superior work. They are considered geniuses at everything they do. They are called the perfect people in our school. Artists are usually skilled public performers, just like Taeyong-sunbae and Ten-sunbae. Ten-sunbae is a dance genius who's also dating Lisa while Taeyong-sunbae is a musician-slash-composer-slash-producer-slash-everything you could think of. Taeyong-sunbae is so talented that everyone already adores him and not only that, he's very well known outside of school too, since his parents are very well-known businessmen.

What? Do you think I'm well-informed about Taeyong-sunbae? Well— Let's keep this between us okay? But I have a crush on Taeyong-sunbae. I mean, who wouldn't? He's so perfect! He's a gentleman and he's friendly to everyone, even to those nameless, like us.

That's right. I am one of those nameless in our school.


Nameless are a group of people who doesn't really belong

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Nameless are a group of people who doesn't really belong. They're considered outcasts and would sometimes be inexistent to those other people who have their status. The nameless are mostly those people who are average, not only in their looks but also in their way of living. You see, all those who have the status are rich people who could always do what they want and at the same time have the talent to do it.

But me? Hah! I'm just an ordinary girl who has an ordinary and boring high school life. But hopefully, I could change that. No, I have to change it! I want Taeyong-sunbae to notice me! Just you wait!

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