Chapter 9: As If In a Dream

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After the much needed spicy rice cake break, Sungwoon offered to walk Hwana home, since the sun was beginning to set. They were about to leave until one woman had stopped right in front of them. This woman looked to be around in her 40s, her long greying hair up in a high ponytail. If the two younger teens were to describe her, she seemed... posh?

And for some reason, the woman's eyes were all over Hwana.

Sungwoon already stood just in front, shielding Hwana from the uncomfortable gaze.

It was then the woman bared a white smile, her arms crossed over her chest. She seemed proud. "Sorry, don't mean to stare but your friend is very interesting."

Hwana frowned from behind, but not as much as Sungwoon was. His eyebrows were knitted in confusion. "Okay, thanks? Can you not stare at her anymore?"

The woman waved her hand at them, as if to show she wasn't of any harm. "No! I don't mean it as an insult. She just seemed to have the perfect look I'm searching for," she chimed. From her leather hand bag, she had taken out a card. "I run an online clothing store and I would love it if your friend would model for my store!"

Sungwoon was the one to take the card. Hwana peered over his shoulder to look at the information.

The woman's name was Cho Gayeon. And the online store she ran was called Heartsick.

"Call me about it anytime! I'd be more than happy to accept you whenever," Gayeon told Hwana. "Do research if you still feel iffy about it. I promise that I'm not shady. Bring your parents if you need to. What's your name?"


"Well, Hwana! I hope we get to work together!" Gayeon held out her hand towards her. "And I guess I'll see you too? Um, boyfriend?"

Both the teens blushed at the mere title. "He's n-not... we're friends only," Hwana stammered.

"Yeah. And her temporary manager if this actually becomes a thing," Sungwoon cut in.

"If ya say so." Gayeon pulled away her hand but still held that smile on her face. She was far too calm for the teens' likings. "Either way, have a good afternoon, Hwana and friend. I hope you think a lot about this. You have the look of a model, dear Hwana. See you around."

Then, she left.

With that, Sungwoon and Hwana left too. They strolled down the pathway towards the Jeon home. For majority, they had been quiet, their minds processing what had just happened earlier. It had been... quite the day. Sungwoon slowed his pace and broke the silence between them as his curiosity got the best of him.

"How do you feel about this, Hwana-yah?"

The short-haired lass glimpsed at her crush, a pout to her lips. She held the business card in her hands now, and she had been staring at it for a good five minutes. The business card itself felt like something sacred to her. Was it burning to her touch? No... but it might as well be.

If she had gotten this offer two years ago, she wouldn't have hesitated to say no to Gayeon. It was ridiculous. She would have thought the woman was joking.

But ever since Sungwoon had mentioned before how she could be a model, it resonated something within her. Prior to that day, Hwana never really had an aspiration. She was satisfied to following what her parents suggested for her.

Now, she dreamed of it. Hwana could imagine herself donned in beautiful and unique clothing, getting prepped and prettied by stylists, and posing in front the camera. She would strut down runways in her mind, the audience in awe of her every turn. Alone in her bedroom, she may have practiced a couple poses and model walks in front of her mirror.

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