I: A Rising Star

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The Cauldron of Stars was regarded as the most conflicted place by the Fates. When it was created at the dawn of times, it was intended to be the paradise for resting souls. It was, for a period of time. Souls came after living their lives on planet to rest and await a new future. But as the universe expanded and new planets were born, fewer souls came to the Cauldron.

Souls were too adventurous to stay in the Cauldron for too long. Not that its a bad thing, they were created to live. Lives are lived and lives are lost, the passing of time is often brutal. As such is the cycle of life, The Cauldron then became a refuge to souls who experienced the death of the old planets. Along with it's newest purpose: creating new souls.

Some souls who have experienced the passing of the old planets became Guardians of the universe. Angels for the All Father, the Creator. These souls work hand in hand with the Celestials, The Fates and the Seers, and together they form the Council of the All Father, who governs the known universe.


The stars were incredibly bright today, contrary to the dark bleak sky that surrounded the Cauldron for days.

Archangel Michael stood from his seat in the Council Hall, the tall windows around the Hall allowed natural light to pass inside. The shine of the stars provided more than enough lighting to illuminate the near empty hall.

The nightly melodies fill the Palace as Michael walked through its empty halls. Understandably, most of the archangels are on duty, guarding the outposts and the Palace itself. The Cauldron can be felt pulsating along with his footsteps. He quickly turns around as he reaches the end of the vast hall and proceeds to walk again to the other end.

Michael decides he doesn't like waiting, he reaches the nearest balcony and extends his mighty wings. Like stretching limbs, he shuffles a bit as he shakes the stiffness away from his wings. He takes flight as he carefully jumps off.

His wings take him to the centre of the Cauldron. Where the High Seraphim himself is standing with his attendants. Along with him were the Fates, looking on to the pulsating force, the Celestials who were spectating from their spectral form and the Seers who were observing from one of the Palace Balconies.

"Sire." Michael announces himself, almost like clearing his throat to the serious onlookers.

"Michael." The High Seraphim looked at him cordially, as he turned to him and returned looking at the spectacle.

The Cauldron was hard at work, almost like a supernova in force, a black hole in awe is left in its wake. The Changing of the Stars was always a spectacle to behold. The soul clumped the energy near it, slowly creating its form.

The attendant nearest to the High Seraphim motioned Michael to take his place. Seconds later, Michael found himself standing next to the High Seraphim as the soul in front of them took its new form.

"Such a wonder to behold, isn't it?" The High Seraphim spoke, his voice slowly echoing the Cauldron's centre. "Watching it unfold never gets old."

"Indeed it is, sire." Michael responded respectfully, itching at the cordial voice of his superior.

"No need to be formal Michael, we are amongst friends." The High Seraphim smiled at him. "This is our newest addition in eons. We must rejoice at this thought and give thanks to the All Father for his generosity."

The Fates, Seers, Celestials and the other angels murmured in agreement. Bells chimed from the Palace, and its tinkering sounds reached the centre of the Cauldron. Everyone turned their attention to the now nearly finished form of the soul.

"It is done, sire." One of the attendants spoke to the High Seraphim. The Fates curiously neared the soul's new form. It quickly rose from a slumbering position and rose from the centre.

And alas, wings sprouted from its back, majestically showering the place with feathers.

The Fates looked on stoically, knowing they hadn't had an addition since the last newborn weaver centuries ago. The Seers disappeared from the balconies they once stood on, obviously equally disappointed with no new seers in their ranks, and the Celestials brought down the stars nearer to the centre, lighting up the path for the newest addition to the ranks of angels.

"It is a woman!" One of the attendants mused, almost too loudly as the soul, now an angel, twitched. Her wings fluttered and brought her down to her feet.

The High Seraphim smiled, delighted to greet their newest addition.

"Welcome, young one." The Seraphim spoke.

"Hello?" The melodious voice of the angel soared through the cauldron.

"What are you called, young one?" The Seraphim asked

The young angel looked at her hands contemplatively, obviously in thought. She looked as if she wanted to speak, but quickly withdrew her tongue in second thought. Moments have passed when she finally parted her lips to speak.

"I am called Isobel." She states. Isobel looks decided and her eyes stay locked with the High Seraphim.

"The Oath of God." Michael spoke, looking to the High Seraphim. "Her name means the Oath of God, does it not?"

The High Seraphim smiles again as he looks from Michael to Isobel. He nods slowly and extends his hands to the young angel now looking at them expectedly.

"Come, child." The High Seraphim beckoned Isobel, whom quickly thrust her palm upon the Seraphim's offered ones. "Let us go home."

The High Seraphim raised his hand to the stars, where they were whisked away among them.


Hello! Welcome to Isobel. Thank you for taking time to read my story! This story is my first in 2 years (?) since my first one (Stella Cadente). I'm taking enormous liberties here, and the main reason which I decided Isobel should be my comeback story (wow, comeback? lol sorry) is that I really found the idea interesting and I have an insane amount of time in my hands (summer for 3 months? help me!) so here we are. I hope you'd stick around to see how this story turns out (or how I will turn unhinged after writing this lol). See you around!

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