30 3 4

The main Hallroom was packed with students and teachers, searching for their seats, making arrangements for the new Hogwartians, the special ceremony of sorting them out.
"We should have some more brainy Gryffindors this year, Harry, otherwise it would be difficult for us to cope up, you know" said Ron, while gulping down two whole fried potatoes, and casting Draco Malfoy an evil eye. Harry grinned and nodded.
"Do we have to write the essay half a parchment, or a full one?" asked the anxious Hermione, furiously racking her brains trying to remember what Professor Flitwick had instructed.
"Oh, now c'mmoooooonnnnnnn.........." said Ron rolling his eyes.
Harry, Ron and Hermione had been in Hogwarts since one year and this was their second year.
"You know what, guys, I just want this mongrel Snape to get hacked." said Harry and Ron nodded full in agreement.
Just then, a loud, a screeching sound filled the hall, indicating the arrival of the new ones. Millions of heads turned towards the door, trying to locate every new and nervous faces that would pass through.
"WELCOME TO HOGWARTS" beamed Professor Minerva McGonagall, in a well-toned, modulated voice. "Perhaps everyone of you have got letters of introduction about this, but I would once again like to recall------"
"Excuse me Professor, but what exactly does Hogwarts serve for its lunch?"
"We can discuss that later" said Professor McGonagall quite sternly.
"Must be a jolly good fellow" whispered Ron into Harry's ear, making him jump.
"I wouldn't like to keep you all waiting any more, and with this I once again introduce you all to this castle or rather family, and sincerely hope that you all will put in your best efforts and co-operate with everyone of us" concluded Prof. McGonagall briskly and led the army of the new Hogwartians, for their sorting. The new faces gazed in awe all around, craning their necks to see every inch of this beautiful castle. Bright dazzling lights and lanterns hung everywhere, illuminating every corner of Hogwarts.
"Now the Sorting Ceremony shall begin" quoted McGonagall as thunderous applause greeted this. She placed an old, dusted stool in the center containing the worn out Sorting hat placed neatly on it.
There was pin-drop silence.
A few moments passed by, and all of a sudden the Sorting hat opened its mouth, very wide and burst into a song-
One thousand years ago this story starts,
There were four sorcerers with strong and wise hearts,
Bold Gryffindor from wild moor,
Fair Ravenclaw from glen,
Sweet Hufflepuff from valley abroad,
Shrewd Slytherin from fen.
They had a dream to teach all that they knew,
Witches and wizards came far and it grew,
Till a castle stood tall by the shores of a lake,
And a thousand years later the magic remains.
Old Hogwarts Sorting hat sing me a song,
Speak in my head tell me where I belong,
And when things look bad and there's no where to run,
Unite all the houses and we'll fight as one.
Brave Godric Gryffindor favored the strong,
Those who had courage and knew right from wrong,
And Rowena Ravenclaw taught only the best,
So kind Helga Hufflepuff would teach all the rest.
But Salazar Slytherin had his own plans,
He thought the muggle-borns didn't understand,
The subtleties of magic and so he devised,
The Chamber Of Secrets with a monster inside.
Old Hogwarts Sorting hat sing me a song,
Speak in my head tell me where I belong,
And when things look bad and there's no where to run,
Unite all the houses and we'll fight as one.
Thunderous applause filled the hall. Prof. McGonagall unrolled a long roll of parchment and read out the first name.
"Alison Woods". A curly haired girl wearing an over size cloak briskly walked towards the dias. A thick tuft of hair accompanied her round face.
"Hufflepuff" the hat screamed. The last table of Hufflepuffs clapped the loudest as Alison received numerous back-pats from them.
"John Wilkinson". A stout and well-built boy approached from the front line. "Slytherin" squealed the hat. John grinned and collapsed in the backseat as the Slytherins continued to shake hands with him.
The ceremony continued until only three students were left.
"Now finally, we have......... Janet Potter" said Prof. McGonagall adjusting her specs a little. Ron and Hermione looked at Harry in unison. Harry nodded that he knew nothing.
A straiaght-haired girl paced forward. "Janet... Potter" said Harry to himself, emphasizing on Potter.
"OK, let me seee..." said the hat as if deeply scanning Janet's head.
"A touch of Slytherin, yesss too good..... But also.... Um... Gryffindor stands a chance... Yes... Well that's a really hard one." the hat took two minutes to decide as Janet faced thousands of eyes staring at her.
Not Slytherin, please please pleaseeeeeee, she crossed her fingers and pleaded silently.
"Not Slytherin, eh??" the hat seemed to converse with her in her head. "Well then, you must be in Gryffindor!"
The Gryffindors clapped and Janet returned that with a thumbs-up.
"Now, it is Evana Weasley". Harry gave Ron a quick glance, as Ron shrugged, equally stunned as Harry.
"Gryffindor" shouted the hat, as Evana gave Janet a bear hug.
"Philip Granger" concluded Prof. McGonagall as she folded the parchment neatly and waited for the last Sorting of the day.
A tall boy with rummaged hair sat confidently on the stool. "Slytherin" the hat cried out as Philip joined the Slytherins.
Dumbledore came forward with meant a short speech and pin drop silence before dispersing.
"Well now that you are sorted into your respective houses, I request full cooperation from you all, and remember no comparisons; for you all are like a family here, no matter in which house you are in" spoke Dumbledore addressing with open arms, with the same twinkle in his eyes as always.
"Why the heck do they have to repeat the same damn thing again and again?" whispered Ron, as he was shushed by Hermione's glare. Ron returned a wink.
"Teacher's pet" whispered Ron in Harry ear as Harry grinned.
"I heard that" Hermione eyed both of them.
"I now request the house prefects to take charge please" finished Dumbledor shuffling through a pile of papers.
"A good orator he is though" Ron said as the trios went to their dormitories. Harry took a last glance at Janet.
And within a fraction of a second, Janet Potter seemed so familiar.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2018 ⏰

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