(5) The battle for us!

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(This Is on the battle of the bands, I just jumped to this point in the story because it wouldnt happend something good before this part so)


Z: Lawrence!
L: What?
Z: Can I talk to you?
L: Ok, I'm just going to find the rest of the band so They can hear it to.
Z: I want to talk to you alone.
L: Why?
Z: Oh just come here!
L: Fine! (Walks to Zack)

L: So what is it?
Z: You know that girl I like.
L: Yeah Tomika, what about her?
Z: I think I'm going to tell her that I like her.
L: No!
Z: Why not?
L: You can't just come right to her and tell her you like her.
Z: Why not? I did that to my last girlfriend.
L: Yeah, but you and her was bestfriends and you knew she liked you.
Z: So?
L: You don't know if Tomika likes you.
Z: That's right, so what should I do then?
L: Get to know her better.
Z: Ok, Thank's Lawrence.


F: Mr.Finn?
Mf: Yeah?
F: When are We going to go on stage?
Mf: 10 minuts.
F: Ok.

I looked over at Summer, she looked sad and happy at the same time. She is probobly happy because We are playing her song and sad because she want to be on the stage with us.

Random person: Can School of rock come on the stage, can school of rock come on the stage!
T: That's us, it's our turn.
S: Good luck guys.
F: Summer wait!
S: What?
F: Can't you be on that stage with us?
S: And what am I going to do?
F: You can play tamborin.
S: Is it ok with you guys?
T,Z,L,Mf: Yeah.
S: Ok I'm gonna do it.

Without thinking I hugges Summer, Summer Hathaway! And she hugged back. Wow, she is good at giving hugs.

Here is the song They are playing


I was so happy that We won, when They said or name that We won I looked at Freddy and I saw him hugging Summer! I felt A little bit jealus. Ok I know that you probobly found out that I like him now, I know it's wierd that I like someone, but I really like Freddy, he likes the same things that I do, he looks so good and his hair is so pretty. You can't like all that.

?: Hey Tomika!
T: Hey Zack.
Z: I can't belive We won.

After Zack said that he hugged me long, very long. When he piller away We was just staring at each other then he walked away. Does he like me?

I know short chapter but I needed to update again, I'm trying to make this book good but I don't think it's going to be good, and I think this is going to be A short book, so you guys know it.

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