Shsl singer

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A/N in this story you are the shsl singer, you are close with Ibuki Mioda, and your character is quite shy... welp have fun reading! (Btw y/n is your name and L/n is your last name) ((Side note: this begins a little after the killing game is announced))

You are Y/n L/n, a shy girl with what others thought was an amazing talent. You knew better though, being the shsl singer meant people expected you to be confident and happy, but we all know that's a lie. The only people who'd ever heard you sing was your friend ibuki mioda, your parents, and a teacher who recorded you and made you viral. So, after being put on an island and expected to kill or be killed by your classmates, you were more anxious and shy than ever before.

"Y/N!!!" Ibuki shouted while running towards you. You were caught off guard and almost tripped into the sand of the beach "What are you doing here all alone and saddd??" She asked energetically "Just... thinking" you muttered quietly. You used to open up more when you were around Ibuki, but as of recent events you've closed almost everyone off."Well... are you going to the party tonight?" She beamed "Ibuki,you know I don't do well in those kinds of situations..." you sighed "b-but Y/n! There's gonna be good food!!!" She practically screeched. You sighed and despite your anxious feelings, agreed to go with her."YAY! Ibuki is going to have so much fuunnn!!! Maybe we can even play something for them!" She said pretending to play an air guitar, earning a giggle from you. "Maybe,but I should go get ready. I'll see you there Ibuki" you said and sped off before she could say anything more.

On your way back to your cottage, you bumped into a tall figure"oh, L/n hello" he greeted "oh! um-uh hi komaeda!" you said a light blush dusting your (skin tone) cheeks."uhm wh-what are you doing?" You asked awkwardly, stumbling on your words "oh, just getting some more cleaning materials from the market, though I'm surprised your even continuing to talk to trash like me" he smiled "wh-what do you mean "trash"? You s-seem fine to me." You stutter, knowing the feeling of being trash all too well. "Do you really mean that?" He exclaims, his eyes lighting up "yes,yes of course! n-no one is worthless in my book" you say a small smile crossing your lips. Suddenly he started tearing up.

"Oh-oh I'm so s-sorry! D-did I do something wrong?"you squeak, your self deprecating thoughts getting the best of you "no, it's just the wonderful hope you contain!" He says as if it's the highest praise you could give someone. You smile at his words and ask him one last thing before you leave "would you like to be friends? You s-seem a little lonely" you barely whisper the last part. He perks up, his beautiful pale olive eyes looking like stars-

wait beautiful? Were you developing a crush on komaeda? You begin to blush more than you already were. "you really mean that?" He says his voice wavering "o-of course!" You say smiling at him.He smiles back brightly at you and thanks you at least a million times before continuing to do what he originally set out to do. You strolled into your cottage happily, you had just made your first friend since third grade after all. "But...maybe he could be more...?"you thought to yourself "no- that's wishful thinking" you say shooing the thought from your mind.

Slumping down against your door, you burry your face in your hands. You decide to practice until around the time of the party to get your mind off him.

~Time-skip brought to you by komahina~

You had just finished sining one of your favorite songs "would you be so kind" by Dodie Clark (or any song you like lol) when someone bursted into your cottage. You screamed at the sudden disturbance of you peaceful atmosphere and threw your hands up to protect yourself. You heard hysterical laughter and looked up to see Ibuki rolling on the floor of your cottage laughing at your reaction. "Ibuki!" You yelled angrily. Just as you were about to lecture her, the bell chimed for 10:00 "ugh... let's just get to the party" you sighed. Ibuki giggled,"OFF WE GOOOO!" She screamed excitedly. You huff as she skips past you and out the door. "What am I going to do with her..." you say to yourself walking casually behind her.

You took the longer way to the party, pondering a possible escape from the island as you walked, when you bumped into someone again. "Ah,hello y/n Chan!" Komaeda exclaimed, sounding happy to see you "H-hey Komaeda, so sorry for bumping into you...again" you apologize "It's fine" he says smiling "are you headed to the party?" He asks, sounding hopeful "oh-Uhm well yes, mostly because Ibuki is forcing me though..." you chuckle awkwardly "ah, well don't worry! I'm sure a shining beacon of hope like you can handle a small party" he beamed "Thanks Nagito" you smile, blushing slightly. Who knows, maybe you can do this.

A/N: Hey guys! Let me know what you thought and if I should make a part two or if I should write more stories!❤️ I'm always open to suggestions!💜Ily guys,Byee!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2020 ⏰

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